Port 5938 is open... but error no connection still there (btw : tv13 is working perfectly)
Any fix soon ?
distro : debian stretch 4.9.0-8-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.144-3.1 (2019-02-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux:
log :
- activating Router carrier
- !CTcpConnectionBase[1]::HandleResolve(): Resolve failed, router7.teamviewer.com:5938, Error: asio.netdb:1
- CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[1]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
- KeepAliveSessionOutgoing[router9.teamviewer.com]::ConnectFailureHandler(): RemoteSession 1 does not match expected RemoteSession 2
- InterProcessNetwork: Received DisconnectIPC from processID 4471 (ProcessType: 2 in Session **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**) with reason 2
- ProcessControlBase[2]::ProcessDisconnected: Process pid 4471 in session **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** disconnected
- NetworkControl::UpdateOnlineState alwaysOnline=0 delayOffline=0 otherProcess=0 restart=0
- CTcpProcessConnector::HandleRead(): Socket gracefully closed (PID=4471)
- TeamViewer is going offline!
- CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): PID=4471
- InterProcessNetwork::ProcessDisconnected(): ConnectionClosed session=**Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** ptype=2
- IConnection[2]::HandleWrite(): Send failed with Error: 9 Bad file descriptor, bytes_transferred=0
- CTcpProcessConnector::CloseConnection(): Shutdown socket returned error 107: Transport endpoint is not connected
- CTcpConnectionBase[2]::ClearSendQueueWithError(): SendQueue is not empty. Throwing away 1 commands
- TcpCarrierBase[2]::HandleWrite(): Error 9 (Bad file descriptor), count 1
- TVRouterClock Schedule next request in 0 seconds
- KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectEndedHandler(): KeepAliveConnection with router9.teamviewer.com ended
- ProcessControlBase[2]: Process 4471 in session **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** has terminated
- SysSessionInfoManager: updating session information for session **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** from GUI
- SysSession updated: XSession: 1 [SysSession **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** [type=88 vt=2 tty=/dev/tty2 pseudotty=0 info=1 id=4 user=jerome state=user active=1 reliable=1]]
- OSSessionEventTranslatorLinux::SessionUpdated: old osSessionID: **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** username: jerome userLoggedIn: 1 locked: 0 primarySession: 1 unusableState: 0 connected: 1
- OSSessionEventTranslatorLinux::SessionUpdated: new osSessionID: **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** username: jerome userLoggedIn: 1 locked: 0 primarySession: 1 unusableState: 0 connected: 1
- CAcceptServer::HandleAccept: new connection from
- ProcessControlBase[2]::ProcessConnected: Unknown process pid 6335 in session **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs** connected
- NetworkControl::UpdateOnlineState alwaysOnline=0 delayOffline=0 otherProcess=1 restart=0
- TeamViewer is going online!
- CKeepAliveClientClient::DoReconnectInternal: doing nothing, state = 0
- CKeepAliveClientClient::StartConnect(): Protocol 2 proxy --
- Activating Router carrier
- HttpRequestImpl::CurlFinished(): curl request failed: Timeout was reached (28), Resolving timed out after 5000 milliseconds
- Port443Connection::RequestFinishedCallback: failed with HTTP status code = 0
- CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[2]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
- KeepAliveSessionOutgoing[router6.teamviewer.com]::ConnectFailureHandler(): RemoteSession 2 does not match expected RemoteSession 3
- HttpRequestImpl::CurlFinished(): curl request failed: Timeout was reached (28), Resolving timed out after 5001 milliseconds
- CHttpConnectionOutgoing::ResolveDNSName: resolving DNS name failed, status = Failed, HTTP response code = 0, URL = 'http://router6.teamviewer.com/cname.aspx'
- CHttpConnectionOutgoing::HandleResolveDNS: empty address, m_ConnectionState=0
- CProcessCommandHandlerKeepAlive[3]::HandleKeepAliveConnect(): Connect to KeepAliveServer failed
- !KeepAliveSessionOutgoing::ConnectFailureHandler(): KeepAliveConnect to router6.teamviewer.com failed, Errorcode=2