TeamViewer App Token

Kuppo Posts: 11


I am working on the TeamViewer integration. I have noticed that TeamViewer Community have created an app in my account. But when i checked it from profile i was not able to see either client id or secret.

Please let me know how to create such applications where id is not displayed and also let me know how to authorize them programatically.


Best Answer


  • Kuppo
    Kuppo Posts: 11

    Hi @Ying_Q ,

    Thanks for taking your time to write the explanation. I just have one more question, all TeamViewer app is uniquely identified by the client-id. I believe Community have already created an application for syncing the user data. Is it possible to create such app for my custom application too?


    I have a custom application which i need to integrate with TeamViewer. So that users can use TeamViewer featuers from my application. This is applicable for all the uses who logs in to my application. As per my understanding I need to have a TeamViewer app with required scopes and users need to approve it before the app access user's data. How to create this TeamViewer application and from where should I create?



  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,754 Moderator

    Hi @Kuppo 

    Thankyou for your reply.

    Kindly visit TeamViewer API page for more information please.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Kuppo
    Kuppo Posts: 11

    Thanks @Ying_Q for your reply..

