How can I change the account in the TeamViewer desktop app?

Hi there,

Really need a bit of quick advice, i have just renewed my business license, but i want to replace ther personal account that is currently activated in the desktop app. but it will not let me change the user, and now its just got the 'teamviewer loading on the conacts page and wont let me do anything! Even in the options screen, it is all grayed out and wont let me enter any details.teamviewer oprions page.jpg This is causing mega problems because i cannot do any remote support! 

Please help, Thanks in advanced!


Allenteamviewer problem.jpg


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hi @allenmorriss 

    Thankyou for your post.

    Looks like you have not signed in your TeamViewer account on TeamViewer client.

    Kindly click on the top left circle with the person inside  1 or on the tab for Computers & Contacts 2 :


    Hope it helps.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员