I bought a TeamViewer 10 licence many years ago.
We have not been using TeamViewer 10 for 2 years now. If it has been used, that was without my acknowledge and authorization.
The ads and other kinds of emails I received from TeamViewer have been redirected to my spam folder.
In March I discovered that I have received an invoice, which I have opened a support ticket about on the administration interface, because I haven’t bought a TeamViewer 14 licence.
On 29th of April I have received an email from Creditreform Göppingen Engelhardt KG about me having an outstanding debts.
I suspect that criminals got a hold of my personal details from TeamViewer Gmbh. And with these informtions they bought a licence in my name. Probably they are the ones who got that licence because I do not have it. Presumably these criminals are still using that licence for commiting crimes. I ask this licence to be deleted immediately.
I have reported it to the police. /I have attached it in the email. Hungary/
I have also reported it to the NAIH /GDPR, National Data Protection and Information Security Authority Hungary / for the misuse of my personal and private infromation. /It is also attached in the email./
Is it where it has to be reported? /GDPR Germany/
Der Provinzen Landesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz
Is it where it has to be reported? /Police Germany/
I do not see any licences in my TeamViewer account, not even the TeamViewer 10 licence I bought. Where is it?
There is no debt in either of my accounts. So with what account the impostors bought the licence with?
How did they get my name, telephone number and other personal informations?
How were they able to buy it in my name without the use of a credit card?
I have not bought TeamViewer, so I have not paid for it.
I do not use TeamViewer, therefore I do not buy licences.
I ask you kindly to delete the invoice about the licence the impostors bought in my name and the invoice to be reversed.
You should report it to the police as well.
I ask for your cooperation in regards of reporting it at the German police and at the German Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information.
It should be investigated how they got access to my data.
Please delete the TeamViewer 10 and the TeamViewer 14 licences because I am not the one using them.