Windows 10 does not look to start service until logon



  • mandfmike
    mandfmike Posts: 18
    edited October 2022

    Looks like **Third Party Product** here I come.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19

    Could we please remove this as being marked "solved."  Numerous people are still having the same issue without any change.  Please provide a fix as soon as possible.

    Thanks so much.

    Meanwhile i will go ahead and begin a new thread.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19

    Version:1.0 StartHTML:000000254 EndHTML:000002986 StartFragment:000001998 EndFragment:000002954 StartSelection:000001998 EndSelection:000002954 SourceURL:

    So with no answer to the dilemma I kept searching for anything to help TV 12 work finally for unattended access (which did not work even after the new update).

    I am grasping at straws at this point with no answers yet from TV, so I happened on a random attempt among many: My solution at least was to go to the Power settings in Control Panel and reset the computer HDD to never shut off even when signed out.  3 hours later I can still access.  

    Now keep in mind this was already set this way on the one pc I access, but went ahead and set it to like 4 hours, saved, it, then set it back in as "never" and so far it is finally working.  So before throwing in the towel with TV 12, check this setting and try it.

    Hopefully this helps some to reolve the glitch in TV 12.


  • nthompson
    nthompson Posts: 2

    Hello, I too have had this problem, it also effects Remote Desktop & local VMWARE PC's

    what has worked for me is "power settings" -> "Change plan settings" -> "change advanced power settings" -> "sleep" -> "Allow hybrid sleep" -> make sure this is set to off.

    Best Wishes Nick, Ps I love Teamviewer.

  • TimCFT
    TimCFT Posts: 6

    I think we're wandering off topic here. Obviously TeamViewer will go offline if the computer goes to sleep or the HDD is switched off. This issue relates to TV not coming online after a reboot.

    Offering a "solution" which involves manually installing a new version of the software is not acceptable, particularly where the issue is making remote support impossible. We have TV deployed to around 200 clients, most of which we no longer have reliable remote support available for.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19

    Hi Tim,

    Thank you for the exhortation, and if misleading I apologize.  Not sure if you were directing at me o the "solved" marking on  the other reply.  Nevertheless, let me clarify and leave it alone after this. (any caps in letters are not yelling just for extra emphasis)

    MY solution ONLY - not THE solution - was that even after the new update TV 12 - and a reboot - still didn't work properly.  None of the "solutions" or the recent "fix/path" worked still on any of my pc's, the problem persisted.  

    Down to trying anything I wandered into there and noticed the power settings were not as before and returned the hdd to "never" shut off.  I also know this is obvious (I've used & fixed pc's since 1987) but happened onto this when no changes to these settings had been made before - and on one pc "never" was already set, so I reset it.  Also having the "never" setting on before did not change that TV 12 would not work regardless.  But now it does.

    So this was entirely relevant as it related to TV not coming on after reboot - this fixed it for me (though any change to the hdd power/sleep options before changed nothing, now it does).

    Now 12+ hours later I can still access them and so I offer this as just another "give this a try when nothing else technical works" kind of "solution" that may work for even just one other person who may be unaware.  

    We are a community and help each other where we can knowing that other fixes exist for particular pc's and others won't - in the hopes that TV will fix it all as they have done in the past.  No wanderings, just one helping another find solutions.

    I do sincerely hope a fix works for you, and fast.  Thanks again for being of help and hope you have a great weekend.



  • Hello

    We have the same problem after win 10 creators update

  • mandfmike
    mandfmike Posts: 18
    edited January 2023

    Don't seem to me they are interested in a fix. **Third Party Product** here I come.

  • TimCFT
    TimCFT Posts: 6

    Out of interest, I changed the account used by the TV service to a domain administrator account with rights to logon as a service. After a reboot the computer showed online correctly,  which I thought was progress, however, I was unable to actually connect to the PC.

  • chrullrich
    chrullrich Posts: 14

    This is, sadly, the expected result. Using a "normal" administrator account sidesteps the proxy config issue (that you may have even if you are not using one ...) because it will actually find the necessary information in the account's user profile without going on safari through random other accounts. On the other hand, an administrator account simply doesn't have the privileges required to allow a remote control connection.

    You could try this:

    1. Create a new (local) user account and put it into the Administrators group
    2. Log on as that account and make sure the proxy config is working, i.e. a web browser works; 
    3. Log off, and as administrator, grant the account every user right that does not have "deny" in its name and that the account doesn't already get via the Administrators, Users, or Everyone groups
    4. Reconfigure the TeamViewer service to use this account
    5. Reboot

    If that works, spend some fun hours paring down the list of user rights that the service needs by disabling one after another, rebooting every time. Let us know what the final list is.

  • nthompson
    nthompson Posts: 2

    I believe Creators update have implemented a new type of sleep called hybrid sleep

    this makes the computer respond to local login with keyboard & mouse but upsets other programs eg vmware, and causes remote desktop or teamviewer serving code not to be available

  • chrullrich
    chrullrich Posts: 14
    1. Hybrid sleep has been around since Windows Vista. You are probably thinking of "Modern Standby", but it does not matter anyway; turning off any sleep modes is certainly the first thing anyone does when TeamViewer does not work correctly.
    2. If you had read the thread before posting, you would know that:
      • The cause of the problem was found six weeks ago.
      • We are only waiting for TeamViewer to release a fixed version. There was a release in late May, but not even its change log says it should include a fix for this issue.
      • There is a workaround that works perfectly fine for all affected TeamViewer versions, but which the forum moderators do not want me to link to.
  • mandfmike
    mandfmike Posts: 18

    And if you had been reading all of the threads on this issue, including mine: You would have read that TV so called fix, isn't the total solution for the issues that the Creator Update to windows 10 has caused with TV. Because several of us still can't get unattented access to a pc with the win 10 creator update on it. TV hasn't even responded to any of my post, other then to say they are removing my post about other remote access programs to use if TV isn't going to fix this issue. Stop being a **bleep** to people who are trying to find a fix to an important program.

  • chrullrich
    chrullrich Posts: 14

    And if you, and so on, and so forth, you'd realize that I'm talking about the workaround I wrote myself, not anything from TeamViewer.

    As for being a **bleep**: I apologize for the tone of my previous post; it was too snarky by half. On the other hand, to the best of my knowledge it was me who pointed the TeamViewer developers at the actual problem. You cannot claim I'm not helping.

  • chrullrich
    chrullrich Posts: 14

    Looks good.

  • TimCFT
    TimCFT Posts: 6

    Tests so far look good, thank you.

  • mandfmike
    mandfmike Posts: 18

    Is there a version 11 fix for this issue? If so, please point me in the right direction to get it.

  • Jnew1
    Jnew1 Posts: 3

    What about v11 paid customers. We all know it is happening on this version as well. Are we going to have to pay more and update to version 12? Sure looks that way doesn't it.

  • mandfmike
    mandfmike Posts: 18
    edited January 2023

    NO, I won't be forced to spend thousands of dollars to upgrade to something that has no added benefits for our company. If there's no fix for version 11, [removed per Community Guidelines]

  • zoo55
    zoo55 Posts: 9

    Nope, 12.0.78716 doesn't work on 10.0.15063.  OK on 10.0.14393.  <sigh>

  • zoo55
    zoo55 Posts: 9

    Update on 12.0.78716.

    A)  I have 4 PC’s.  Here is the state of play on the Autologin problem with 12.0.78716:

    1. Win 10.0.14393 (Home): OK
    2. Win 10.0.15063 (Home): NOT ok
    3. Win 10.0.15063 (Pro): OK
    4. (not sure of last pc; it is offline because of this problem and I can’t get to it…)

    B)  I received a notice from support on June 27, 2017, that a "new version" had been released that fixed the problem and I should update.  I did the update, but all I got was 12.0.78716, which was released on May 31, 2017.  That is also the latest version on the Teamviewer website.  I have queried support as to where the "new version" is, but has anyone else (i) received this notice and (ii) actually found the "new version" advertised?

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19

    I wondered that too....the "new" version seemed to have the previous release numbers.

    I have had some luck using the Win 10 app getting into my 2 pc's remotely now instead of the desktop/taskbar/tray icon TV program.  But even that is not working well now - it sees it as online but won't connect.

    I am still a bit stunned after such a smooth record that TV is having such problems still not working with their latest version.

    Plus everytime I install it now (even checking off personal use only as always, which is what it is) it still expires as a trial edition (installing the same one on the other pc's doesn't do that).

    It's just a mess.



  • Maurice
    Maurice Posts: 10 Staff member 🤠

    12.0.78313 was the previously released public version. 12.0.78716 was the insider build version but it is also the version number of the currently released public version. That's just because there are no other changes included in it. I'm not even sure if you get an update if you already had the insider build installed. However there should be a host version available now from the website.

    I'm pretty confident that we fixed the original problem. If you still have the same problem (same symptoms) that probably has other reasons. Please note that the remote side which you connect to has to be updated to 12.0.78716. It won't work if you just update the local side.

    Software Developer
  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19

    Thank you for your reply.  

    TV instructs us to simply download it - so the general download button only offers the same version.  Please give the link then to the version you speak of, it will be of great help to all of us still struggling to simply connect.

    The remote pc's are on, internet fully functional, and accessible through other means so no problems there.  Here is the link of what I clicked on before hitting Accept (the photo would not attach to this even though I made it within the specified margins):!ArhgvjjCUVbzg6YRBtUMG8OvCWrpDQ

    Thank you for your quick assistance.



    I look forward to trying your link.  Also, 


  • zoo55
    zoo55 Posts: 9
    With all due respect, it seems pretty clear that you, in fact, have not solved the problem. That's okay, I understand these things can take some time, but please don't tell all of us on this thread that the problem has been solved and any remaining issues are our fault. We look forward to your continuing efforts on this issue.
  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19
    Ok I'll clarify just one more time as I did post my explanation earlier. It did resolve that one problem at that one time in my case alone. I passed it along so as to resolve it for some, not all. Also there was another "solution" posted earlier before mine so you may be confusing mine with that one.
    I have listed several times since that the newest revision of their update has nullified what worked before - basically back to where we all started.
    We're all on the same team here and a community that helps some with what we do discover though it may not help all.
    I understand the frustration with it and wanting to vent to someone and feel it with you until they finally fix this for everyone. Until then let's leave the larger answer to the TV programmers and please direct all other comments to them.
    I genuinely hope it gets resolved for you and wish you a great day and great week in everything.
  • zoo55
    zoo55 Posts: 9


    Apologies, there seems to have been some misunderstanding. I was not replying to you; I was replying to the following message from "Maurice, Software Developer," presumably for TV:

    "12.0.78313 was the previously released public version. 12.0.78716 was the insider build version but it is also the version number of the currently released public version. That's just because there are no other changes included in it. I'm not even sure if you get an update if you already had the insider build installed. However there should be a host version available now from the website.

    I'm pretty confident that we fixed the original problem. If you still have the same problem (same symptoms) that probably has other reasons. Please note that the remote side which you connect to has to be updated to 12.0.78716. It won't work if you just update the local side.   Maurice   Software Developer"

    I hope that clarifies.

  • wrswaim
    wrswaim Posts: 19
    No apologies necessary and no offense taken. I agree as well.
    Thank you again.
  • bakahk
    bakahk Posts: 1

    12.07.2017r. => Autologin problem with 12.0.78716 [PROD_ID] / 12.1.13180.0 [FILE_ID]

    Windows 2016 => Windows Update @ 100% / Windows Defender OFF / Windows Firewall OFF / UAC OFF => v10.0.14393 Build 14393 => NOT ok;

    Windows 10 => Windows Update @ 100% / Windows Defender OFF / Windows Firewall OFF / UAC OFF => v10.0.15063 Build 15063 => ok;

    NOT ok = TeamViewer Service don't start (even after logging in);

    p.s for example "AD" v3.4.0 works ok;