Version 12 Host Install Error From QS!

croftmedia Posts: 12
edited May 2023 in General questions

I have a license for version 12.

A prospective customer with a Windows 8.1 laptop installed the v12 Quick Support software then I connect (using my licensed TV12) and try to install the Teamviewer Host version (12) remotely (via the drop down menu of Quick Support toolbar) a pop up appears on the customers screen saying "Your version of Teamviewer is up to date. There is no new version of Teamviewer"!!!

What is going on?

The Host software should just install from the QS toolbar menu like it's supposed to and previously always did - not a message saying the software is up to date!

I then have to use another remote software to login and install the Host software as there's no other way to install it - how can that be right!

Has anyone else experienced this?



  • bhodge10
    bhodge10 Posts: 3


    I'm having the exact same issue. I hope it's not TeamViewer's way of forcing an upgrade. 

    RIMAMCS Posts: 6

    I started having the same issue right after the last update was made to TW12 by itself. TW was showing the upgrade notification to version TW14 or TW12.0.132598, I didnt find any change logs about the TW12 update, then I decided not to do it, (I also have my update settings "No automatic updates") the next day the TW updated by itself, right after, I started having the same issue @croftmedia is reporting.

    btw, if you have installed TW Host v11 or below and access from your TW v12 and go to the drop down menu / Files & Extras. The option "Install Teamviewer" is no there, the just remove it,  it will appear only when accessing TV Host v12.

    RIMAMCS Posts: 6

    I started having the same issue right after the latest TW12 update, btw, I have my update setting as " no automatic updates" but TW decided to the the update by itselft, I couldn't find any change log about the update, so I was afraid to do it, there you go!, right after the update I am having the same issue @croftmedia is reporting.

    btw,  I just discovered that is you access your hosted pc from your TW12, if your hosted pc have TW Host v11 or above, you won't see the "install Teamviewer" option from Drop down menu/ Files & Extras. that option is gone when accessing TW host 11 and below, and came back when accessing TW host v12.

    1 hour right after I was trying to deal with this issue, I got a call from teamviewer sale team pushing me to upgrade to TW14, I tried several ways to explain him why I wont go for the TW14 but the only way he gave up, when I start talking about the issue above, his answer " I see, I will report this to our support team, and we will contact you, Thanks"

    are they pushing us to get the TW14, I think so...

  • croftmedia
    croftmedia Posts: 12

    We all need to raise a ticket about this as I think Teamviewer are behaving unscrupulous and heavy handed. They should be reported for this behaviour. We have all paid for a licensed version 12 and they are blackmailing us into upgrading.

    I shall be speaking with my lawyer colleague about what can be done. They are behaving like thugs.

    We can't let these large companies take advantage of us!

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello all,

    Thank you for your messages.

    TeamViewer is not forcing its customers to update. If you have bought the TeamViewer 12, it's in your right to use it as long as your operating system supports it.

    You will find all the information you need in our Knowledge Base article here: TeamViewer Product Lifecycle Policies

    We have forwarded this issue to our support and we will keep you informed about the resolving process.

    I thank you in advance for your understanding.



    Community Manager

  • croftmedia
    croftmedia Posts: 12

    Hmm, I'm not convinced.

    That's just the kind of thing moderators would say....

    I very much doubt this will be "fixed" with any urgency - if this bug was happening with v14... it would be fixed ASAP... but because it's a bug with an old non money making v12 I won't be holding my breath for a fix anytime soon...

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍


    I understand your scepticism, it is sadly common nowadays that companies promise things but don't fix the issues.

    As plenty of our customers still work with older versions, we have dedicated development teams that fix bug of older versions every day.

    You can be sure that this issue will get processed.



    Community Manager

  • croftmedia
    croftmedia Posts: 12

    My cynicism seems to be well founded... I have just received this email from someone called Kelvin at Teamviewer.

    He wrote....


    "In order to resolve this problem you would need to upgrade you license to the latest version as this would clear all headaches and most importantly get you and your team up and running again through the latest version release."


    If this isn't a blatant case of blackmail then I don't know what is.

    What is your response Jean?

    RIMAMCS Posts: 6

    there you go!!! that's how they are pushing us to purchase the new TW14, they said "issue"  and "bugs" but we know they disable some most used features in order to push user the upgrade.

    You got an email, in my case, I got a call from the team sale located in Miami, Florida.


  • bhodge10
    bhodge10 Posts: 3

    "I shall be speaking with my lawyer colleague about what can be done. They are behaving like thugs." 

    I'm all for giving the benefit of the doubt, but if this isn't resolved, I'd be curious to see what your lawywer colleague has to say. If you wanted to reach me directly at [email removed by moderator] that way it keeps it off the boards. Thanks.

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @croftmedia,

    Thank you for your message.

    I totally understand that during the phone call, the solution suggested by my colleague Kelvin didn't satisfy you, as it would cause an additional investment. But this is a completely different topic. What our salesman Kelvin suggested you on the phone is on the technical side absolutely correct:

    This issue is only relevant for version 12. By upgrading your license, you wouldn't have this issue anymore.

    Thereby, we didn't blackmail you in any way.

    Obviously, I understand that having the issue fixed without having to upgrade your license is more convenient for you. This is totally understandable and is plain common sense.

    As already mentioned, bugs are investigated by development and support teams.

    Note: As the issue affects an older version and is not a security relevant topic, it won't be fixed with high priority.

    I hope that we will be able to fix this issue as soon as possible.

    I thank you for your understanding.



    Community Manager

  • croftmedia
    croftmedia Posts: 12

    Jean, It wasn't a phone call it was an email and Kelvin wrote:-


    "In order to resolve this problem you would need to upgrade you license to the latest version"


    He is saying in no uncertain terms that I "need" to upgrade to the latest version in order to resolve the problem. I know that this email is inconvenient for you Jean but that is not a different topic. It is a clear indication of how Teamviewer view and treat their customers. Fortunately as it is an email I received from Kelvin and not a phone call, I have written proof of this and will be contacting Teamviewer management directly as discussing this issue on the forum is pointless as your response only confirms that all of this is a waste of my time.

  • bhodge10
    bhodge10 Posts: 3

    Has anyone had this issue fixed? As of yesterday, I was still having the problem.

  • croftmedia
    croftmedia Posts: 12

    From the phone calls and emails I've had with Teamviewer - they could not care less - and will absolutely not be fixing this or any other issue with v12. All they wan't to know about is selling the latest version to us.

    I think we can all now safely assume the v12 software we all bought licenses for is now useless.

  • wroshon
    wroshon Posts: 6

    The need to upgrade to the latest version to fix an "error" introduced by Teamviewer is indeed blackmail. If not that, it certainly violates the original licensing terms for Teamviewer 12. Thanks for making it impossible to fix remotely.

  • croftmedia
    croftmedia Posts: 12

    OK I'll share with you all how I am avoiding the diabolical blackmail scam that Teamviewer are currently up to.

    1. I connect to a remote customer by getting them to download my custom version 12 Quick Support Module from my website.

    2. If I intend to connect to the customer into the future  I then download my customised v12 Teamviewer Host file from my machine to theirs (because I can't install my Host module from within the Quick Support  Module - which is the way Teamviewer have deliberately broken v12)

    3. Obviously I can't install the host software whilst the Teamviewer Quick Support Module is running so I also download a very good free third party remote software **Third Party Product** from my machine to the customers and run that on both mine and the customers.

    4. Once a connection has been made with **Third Party Product** I then disconnect the Teamviewer v12 Quick Support Module and install the Teamviewer host software.

    5. Once the Teamviewer v12 Host Software is successfully installed I can then disconnect  **Third Party Product** and life is good once again.

    If you need any clarification (if the admin deletes the name of the free remote software which they'll probably do) just send me a personal message and 'll be glad to help. It really is unbelievable how a company like Teamviewer can think they can get away with this kind of tactic....but with this method we can carry on using version 12 without their bully boy tactics of trying to get us to pay for version 14.

  • Djago
    Djago Posts: 11

    Today is 11/15/19. Almost SIX months since the first post. The issue is STILL there. @JeanK , are you sure you have "development and support teams" working on TV12?