How to install TeamViewer on a Linux system with no graphical user interface
I am tryiing to install teamviewer on an embedded Ubuntu system that will eventually have no GUI, but it currently has a GUI for testing. I got teamviewer installed, but to use it I need access to the GUI to get the ID and password. I also can not find how to set it up for headless operation , which is a must. Can anyone help me?
I now have my system set up with no GUI and teamviewer installed an the daemon is running. No how do I connect to it from another system and how do I set the password? Can anyone help?
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Is there any reason why you wouldn't use ssh?
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Hi DaveP,
the following commands (run as root) should get you started:
teamviewer help
teamviewer setup
teamviewer passwd
teamviewer infoSome more background: Headless Linux Systems: Easy Remote Access with TeamViewer
P.S.: We have just release an update! New release of the TeamViewer Host for Linux (v12.0.78433)
Linux Developer0