Joining account to company account with Corporate licence

When you click the Join button there is a prompt which warning you not to join except you have full trust.

My question is how can you see the contact list of joined account when you are logged as Company Administrator or is it even possble if the joined contact did not share groups of contacts with the company admin ?

Best Answer


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,058 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @nahkapa,

    Thank you for your message.

    As a Company Administrator, you will always be able to see the full list of users having joined the company profile in the category User Management in your Management Console:

    User and contacts are two different things. If user A didn't share the contacts with the users B (Admin of the company profile), user B won't be able to see the contacts of user A.

    I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here.



    Community Manager

  • nahkapa1
    nahkapa1 Posts: 2

    Yes very helpfull but why is that yellow text there then ?? 


  • nahkapa1
    nahkapa1 Posts: 2

    Yes everything explained was options that i already check just i was not 100% sure if there is access to contacts of joined account without permision.


    Thank you very much

  • umwaTS
    umwaTS Posts: 2

    I aleady had account however administrator sent me to join to company but never delivered this screen to join the company. How can i send this email to join again?


    @nahkapa1 wrote:

    Yes very helpfull but why is that yellow text there then ?? 


