Stuck in "teamviewer is starting, please wait"

yz211 Posts: 1
edited June 2022 in General questions

My teamviewer is stucking in the screen of "TeamViewer is starting, please wait", and can't login my account since two days before.1.JPG 



  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,060 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @yz211,

    Thank you for your message.

    Could you please restart the TeamViewer service on your device and try again?



    Community Manager

  • Jean- this rebooting suggestion doesn't work. Nor does restarting the computer. Do you have any useful suggestions?

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,060 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @emarde

    Thank you for your message.

    What we could recommend you to do, is to uninstall fully TeamViewer and install the latest version of the software.

    You will find all the information you need in our Knowledge Base article in the links above.

    I hope this was useful.



    Community Manager

  • didn't work. 

    i did uninstall and reinstalled the latest version, the issue persisted

    but I didn't check the box "remove Settings" because I don't want to lose my configuration 

  • same to me - i found several posts for the past year, same exaclty problem. still there has been no fix on this issue and it appears to be world wide for LONG TIME. 2.png3.png

  • Yuri_T
    Yuri_T Posts: 2,249 [Former Staff]

    Hi @konmandi77 ,

    Thank you for your post.?

    We're not aware of any issues on our side. Can you please check if restarting the TeamViewer service helps?

    Also we always recommend to use the latest version of TeamViewer.
    Please check if your operating systems is supported.

    Kind regards,

    Former Japanese Community Moderator
  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @konmandi77 

    Did you tried the sugestion of @JeanK  about full uninstall and make a new fresh installation?


  • Guys of course I did!! 

    I have done all basic fix steps. 

    Unistall and install all versions from 14 till the latest. Each time completely removing TV files etc, restarting blah. 

    its is something else, that I cannot figure out. 

    I use a mac mojave 10.14.6

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,060 Community Manager 🌍

    @konmandi77 Have you checked if the ports 5938, 443 and 80 are open?

    More info about ports and TeamViewer here: Which ports are used by TeamViewer? 



    Community Manager

  • 80 and 443 are open. the scan does not pick up the 5938 though. 

    My firewall is switched of though, so I dont see how it can be blocking it!>??


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,060 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @konmandi77,

    I see that you own a professional license.

    Please contact our support. Our engineers will be able to have a closer look at it and tell you what to do. To open a ticket, please click here.



    Community Manager

  • Jean, 

    I have opend a ticket from one week ago, and no one has come back to help.

    It is a major diappoitment over all, to bussiness users, as well as technical responsibility, if as I suspect, TV released a new version without having checked it properly and informed all, inculding business users about all that. 

    Who is going to to compensate for one week of business loss!? Most likely, no one!

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @konmandi77 

    I strongly recomend you to update your MacOS to the latest version. Now is available the version 10.15.3.

    I'm telling you this because as I wrote and in other similar posts, I have see many many times applications to not function properly or even hanging up and after OS update everything worked like a charm!

    Personaly I had similar problems with many apps and with the Safari app which is the default MacOS internet browser! But after the update os the OS, it worked just fine.

    Best regards

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,060 Community Manager 🌍

    @Vatsilidis many thanks for your suggestion! ?

    @konmandi77 We are sorry for the inconveniences caused. ?
    This is very strange though - we reply to every ticket we receive...

    Could you send me in a private message your ticket ID?
    If no one replied to you, I'll make sure to accelerate the process.

    Many thanks in advance! ?



    Community Manager

  • [#33373059], the team viewer application does not work

    I was on the wait for over an hour calling the service technical team. 

    I also told them that i opened a ticket last week!

    I have now recieved an email to download the TV collector and sent them the data which I have done. 

    I still havent got a solution, suggestions are to install catalina (latest version of mac), and ensure port 5938. I have no clue how to do this and there is not substantial help online, on how to do this. 


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,060 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @konmandi77

    I totally understand the frustration about having a technical issue and won't being able to resolve it. ?

    However, the good news is that our support in on it. Once they receive the support collector, they will investigate and lead you to the resolution. ?

    It is just a matter of time now. ?



    Community Manager

  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐

    Please give it an another try by using TeamViewer Portable or TeamViewerQS, and let us know what you notice.


    mLipok , AutoIt MVP
  • I am using mac catalina.

    i cannot find a tv portable download for mac!

  • mLipok
    mLipok Posts: 781 ⭐Star⭐
    mLipok , AutoIt MVP
  • it doe snot work eithar - it gives me the same issue = not ready, check your connection. Screenshot 2020-03-03 at 23.27.27.png

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @konmandi77 

    I would recomend you to do a trick which many times gives some tracks to find and avoid the source of an issue. It has a bit of effort by your side, but it worth it the most of the times.

    The trick is to add a new user account to you existing machine, from System Preferences >> Users & Groups. Mark the new user as Administrator, with a name and a password.

    After creating it make a full uninstall of Teamviewer with current user, and remove the configuration files also.

    After that log out of current use, login with new user account, download and make a new installation of latest version of teamviewer and see how it will go.

    Please update with any little strange thing you will see on this trip.

    One last thing please, in previous post you wrote that you have Mac OS Mojave but in the last you wrote the Catalina version. What is valid of theese two?

  • hi, 

    yea I had mojave but you told me to try upadeting the mac to the latest version and that could do the trick. so yes now i have the catalina.

    creating a new account, i dont think it would make a difference.

    the reason is simple. 

    last week when i realised TV did not connect, showing,  "teamviewer is starting, please wait",  'not rady, please chack your connection', i opened my second mac to see if it connects there. 

    it has the same problem exaclty. 

    how is poosible, two different mac laptops, one of which i hadnt switched on for almost a month, to have the exact same tv problem, the same day! 

    the issue is on the tv tech and not my laptop etc. 

  • and for the sake of it, i did it, and as predicted, same issue, ''not ready, check your connection''!Screenshot 2020-03-04 at 11.24.21.png

  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Ok I undestand. 
    Have you tried to connect with this laptop but from other internet connection? 

    I mean by taking internet from other router and not by yours. 
    Is this test possible to make it?

  • I experienced this issue recently on a Ubuntu 20.04 installation. Using the System Monitor application I killed the teamviewerd process, which was not stopping when the GUI application was closed. Once that process was killed and the application restarted via the GUI TeamViewer connected immediately.

    I had also opened TCP/ UDP port 5938 on ufw.

  • I can confirm this on Windows 10 too.

    I had the same problem and then I quit the GUI, go to the task manager and kill the TeamViewer process.

    Open it again and it's all normal.

  • same issue here:

    • Linux Mint 19.1 Cinnamon
    • 4.15.0-112-generic
    • Intel© Core™2 Duo CPU T9900 @ 3.06GHz × 2

    latest version of teamvieuwer, reinstall or restart does not help.

  • This solved the problem on my home Windows 10 computer

    3 other Windows 10 computers associated with my login did not have the problem

  • @sbkardos wrote:

    This solved the problem on my home Windows 10 computer

    3 other Windows 10 computers associated with my login did not have the problem

    What solved the problem?

    I still have the problem on Linux, not on Windows
  • Same here! Happened right after I set a password for unattended accessimage.png