When doing a presentation , how to avoid the teamviewer menu to show over our presentation each time a new participant arrives ?
Hello @PabloTIS,
Thank you for your message.
I got confirmed by our engineers that there is no way to prevent a notification when a participant joins the meeting.
"In line with our commitment to privacy and security, you will always be informed of incoming connections".
I thank you in advance for your understanding.
Workaround: You could use 2 monitors. Let say, you stream the presentation on screen 2. You could then drag and drop the TeamViewer panel to screen 1, so the notification pops up on screen 1 and does not disturb your presentation.
Hello @PabloTIS
What you can do is to reduce the panel by clicking on the little arrow on your left-hand side:
You won't have the participants popping up and disturbing your meetings.
Please also note that you can lock the meeting, in order to prevent participants to enter after a certain time and disturb the meeting:
I hope this could help. If not, do not hesitate to ask your questions here.
Hi Jean,
This is exactly what I do, minimize the panel as you show on your picture, But every time a new user logs it shows again covering part of the screen.This is what my question was about ; how to avoid the panel to unhide each time a new user logs