Teamviewer 14 host MST assigntotoken command for API and group value not working
I am trying to generate MST file using ORCA. I cannt make the group assignment work via MST file. Tried all differents types of values still the workstation is not adding to the right group.
MSI attiribute list under "Custom Action -> Assign to token" the target command is "assign --api-token [APITOKEN] [ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS]"
I tried the list of commands below but none of them works
assign --api-token k349u9uskdjasldjlasjsdkljfds --group-id g12345678
assign --api-token k349u9uskdjasldjlasjsdkljfds "--group-id g12345678"
assign --api-token k349u9uskdjasldjlasjsdkljfds --group-id "g12345678"
assign --api-token k349u9uskdjasldjlasjsdkljfds [--group-id g12345678]
If I pass the same API token and group ID through cmd prompt using the cmd below, it works.
msiexec.exe /i TeamViewer_Host.msi /qn transforms=TeamViewer_Host3.mst APITOKEN=k349u9uskdjasldjlasjsdkljfds ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--group-id g12345678"
but the command above doesnt work in powershell.
I needed the MST file to work or the command which works in powershell script.
Can someone help on this solution?
Try using this as your template for your ps script...
$TVRemotePath = "\\path\to\remote\share\host.msi"
$LogFile = "C:\Temp\Logs\TVinstallLog.log"
$TVArgs = "/qn", "CUSTOMCONFIGID=1234567", "APITOKEN=1234-aBCD123", "DESKTOPSHORTCUTS=0", "/L*v", $LogFile
Start-Process -FilePath "$TVRemotePath" -ArgumentList $TVArgs -WaitThis worked for me, but I've yet to figure out how to get ASSIGMENTOPTIONS="--grant-easy-access" to work (no way to set a permanent password). I'm pretty frustrated with these new 'mass deployment IMPROVEMENTS'.