TeamViewer 14 install via MSI not working.

ITNate Posts: 4
edited May 2023 in General questions

I'm working on trying to setup an unattended installation of my company's TeamViewer Host. I've created the customizations I want, I've enabled the "Allow account assignment via the Assignment Tool", I've downloaded the MSI, I've downloaded the Assignment Tool, and I've recorded the Configuration ID.

First issue, when installing from the MSI none of the customizations are there, currently I'm thinking this is because I haven't run the Assignment Tool and maybe once that runs it will apply the customizations, if not I'd greatly appreciate if someone could tell me and point me in the right direction so that if I get the rest of it working I don't have to struggle through finding more documentation that has thus far eluded me while my searches has just resulted in me finding out that I need to use the Assignment Tool for silent MSI installs to assign computers to our company's account.

I've been digging through all the documentation I can find and it's all saying that the Assignment Tool needs an API code to run. There is no API code listed in the customization screen, just the download Assignment Tool link, the permanent link, the Download MSI link, then the Configuration ID, then the Save or Cancel buttons. Where has the API code for the Assignment Tool been moved, or is it no longer needed and all of the documentation for silent installs, that all say for TeamViewer 12 or newer, outdated?

Also along those lines the MSI, on my couple of test installs, one manually run and the second via script run from our software distribution script, and it appears that it's creating 2 installs of TeamViewer Host on the computers. Two desktop icons are created, two icons on the Start Menu are created, two entries are created in the Programs list to uninstall. One set says "TeamViewer Host 14" the second set says "TeamViewer Host" with trying to open or uninstall the second set just results in an error that there was a problem with the program.

Anyone have any help/advise for either of these three issues?



  • ITNate
    ITNate Posts: 4

    Update, in case anyone comes acrossed this. The website has finally generated/displayed the API number that it says that I need for the silent install via MSI. Will update further as I progress through the rest of the process.

  • ITNate
    ITNate Posts: 4

    Additional information. Now that the API has generated it has made the install the same failed attempt. No matter what I do or how there is no Assignmentdata.json file generated. I've attempted installing both from the .exe and the .msi files from my TeamViewer account. I've done complete uninstalls of TeamViewer before installing, I've cleared all references to TeamViewer from the registry, deleted all of the TeamViewer folder. I've removed the computer from our TeamViewer account, all this because I read that the file would not generate if the computer was assigned to a TeamViewer account, already had TeamViewer installed previously and/or has the settings still on the PC. This all resulted in the ridiculously clumsy custom silent install process still failing to assign the PC or add any of our customizations to the TeamViewer Host installation.

    Any help, advice or recommendations from anyone, aside from throwing the PC out the computer (because that thought has crossed my mind multiple times because it's impossible to throw TeamViewer out the window and it is a necessity for our IT Department), would be greatly, greatly appreciated. I've read through all of the previous knowledge base articles and all the community discussions on the subject that I can find and they all seem to result in vague incomplete "solutions" that aren't fully explained, don't work, or were self resolved without a posted follow up post explaining what they did to get it to work or how.

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hi @ITNate ,

    Thank you for your updating posts.

    As TeamViewer MSI installation can be quite complicated in some scenarios, kindly contact TeamViewer Support Team for individual assistance please.

    Sorry for any inconvenience and confusion caused.



    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Femert
    Femert Posts: 3

    Hey @ITNate,

    It's been a while since I played around with distributing the host module. Maybe the following instructions (TeamViewer MSI Manual) will help you. Interesting are points 1, 3 and 4.3.


    Forget the assignment tool and use the AD. Ignore the PowerShell script TrustConfigID.ps1 as well. At least we never found it.


    We distribute TeamViewer via SoftwareManager. Here I'm not 100% sure for the host module, but try the following command to roll it out.


    "msiexec.exe /i TeamViewer_Host.msi /qn CUSTOMCONFIGID=123abc APITOKEN=abcdefghijkl12345678 ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--alias %COMPUTERNAME% --group Test --grant-easy-access" IMPORTREGFILE=1 /lvx* C:\tmp\log.txt"


    "msiexec.exe /i TeamViewer_Host.msi /qn" -- performs the installation silently
    "CUSTOMCONFIGID=" -- Your Custom Config ID from the host module (visible in the GUI)
    "APITOKEN=" -- Your Api-Token (visible in the GUI)
    "ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS=" -- Only work with the CMD! -- Definition of alias, TeamViewer group, possibly easy access, import of TeamViewer_Settings.reg
    "/lvx* C:\tmp\log.txt" -- Writes a log file


    IMPORTANT: Use CMD to execute the command, NOT PowerShell.


    Hope this gets you ahead!

    Best regards

  • ITNate
    ITNate Posts: 4

    I appreciate the effort, but that didn't seem to make any difference at all to getting the customizations to apply, nor to getting it to install with the application assigned to our account.

    At this point I've contacted TeamViewer Support directly, since that seems to be the ultimate solution for people who don't have the knowledge or experience to write their own entire application from scratch to install TeamViewer, customize TeamViewer, and then Assign TeamViewer to their account automatically.

    This entire process is extremely poorly documented, and I am beyond disappointed and frustrated that such a largely advertised perk of having a paid company account with them is 98% non-functional through the means the provide without contacting their Support to have them either do it all for you, or hold your hand through the entire process. I did not get my degree to have to put everything on hold to sit at my desk and have my handheld for a seemingly simple process of deployment and assignment that nearly every other professional company as figured out.

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