Mac Dock Not appearing

DKeim49 Posts: 9
edited May 2023 in General questions

I have used Teamviewer for years in my Home Office.  It allows me to sit on my porch and access the computers in my office.  My main computer is my Mac where I have the dock hidden when not accessed.  It affords me more space on my workspace to apps.  For about a month or so, I have been unable to activate the dock on the Mac by moving my mouse to bottom of the Mac workspace which is the normal sequence to pop up the dock and allow me to choose an app.  A work-around is to go up to my office move the mouse to the bottom of the workspace, exposing the dock and choose an app.  Then return to the porch and continue on with what I was doing.  This kind defeats the purpose of Teamviewer.  I do NOT remember any update to Teamviewer on either the PC or the Mac.  Is there a setting that I have mistakenly chosen that is doing this?

