trying to connect to older version of TeamViewer with a downlevel of Teamviewer still getting the ca

apachecav Posts: 3
edited May 2023 in General questions

trying to connect to older version of TeamViewer with a downlevel of Teamviewer still getting the cannot connect remote is using an older version... Remote computer is 2K miles away and is an elderly parent, no one local to them to help. They are running v12 .. I have downloaded and installed v12 and v10 for my system hoping one of those would connect. Still, get the failure message... I need a solution help



  • IvanT
    IvanT Posts: 8

    It is not possible to connect from older version to newer. Try to install a newer version than a remote computer. For example, Team Viewer v.13.
    Might this help.

  • I have tried that. I have gone all the way back to Teamviewer 10 but no dice.

  • IvanT
    IvanT Posts: 8

    Hello. Is the internet connection of remote computer trouble-free? See his IP in the net? Recall the "ping" command? Slow or unstable internet connection might be a reason too. Was a connection ever possible in the first place?

  • Yes, we had been connecting just fine. A few months ago my system updated to the latest TeamViewer and when I went to reconnect it told me his was an older version and it would no longer connect. I uninstalled Teamviewer and started installing previous versions but none of those will connect either. I went all the way back to version 10, no/go on any of them.

    The internet is good we have 200meg pipes on either side. 

    Any ideas? 



  • cs13368
    cs13368 Posts: 1

    I installed TeamViewer on a personal device running Ubuntu 10.04.4 Linux and getting the same message.

    If I can't connect to it how in the world can I upgrade it?