I have an up to date openSuse Leap server, running TeamViewer 14.
If I connect to this one from my Mac, the connection is established, and on the servers side everything looks fine - but the Mac does not show the servers desktop.
This problem exists since about 8 weeks. Before, everything worked fine.
At the TeamViewer14_Logfile.log, after setting up the connection, there is an error:
2019/08/13 10:15:20.107 21658 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**63776 DX0!!!XShmImage: Failed to obtain shared memory segment! (errno=28), Errorcode=28
2019/08/13 10:15:20.107 21658 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**63776 DX0!! InitDesktop failed, waiting 1 second, Errorcode=28
2019/08/13 10:15:20.107 21658 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**98656 DX0 ConnectionAccessControl => RCAccessControl: RemoteControl='Invalid access value', FileTransfer='Invalid access value', ControlRemoteTV='Invalid access value', SwitchSides='Invalid access value', AllowDisableRemoteInput='Invalid access value', AllowVPN='Invalid access value', AllowPartnerViewDesktop='Invalid access value', ShareMyFiles='Invalid access value', ShareFilesWithMe='Invalid access value', PrintOnMyPrinters='Invalid access value', PrintOnRemotePrinters='Invalid access value', SessionRecording='Invalid access value'
2019/08/13 10:15:20.127 21658 **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**13248 DX0 InfoCommandHandlerDesktop::ReceivedInfo: connected to **Please do not post TeamViewer IDs**, client version is 14.4.2669 , OS=4096
After that, the first to lines are repeated as long as the connection stays open...
Any ideas?