How to install TeamViewer 14 on CentOS 6.5

I have successfully upgraded TeamViewer on CentOS 6.5. This is how I did it:
From a terminal window:

uname -m  # tells you if the system is 32bit or 64 bit. You need the matching TV version.
strings /lib64/ | grep GLIBC # will show you the GLIBC versions on your system, which needs to include 2.17

Assuming you need to upgrade GLIBC on a 64-bit machine, do this:

su # To get Super User access
rpm –Uvh glibc-2.17-55.el6.x86_64.rpm --force --nodeps
rpm –Uvh glibc-common-2.17-55.el6.x86_64.rpm --force --nodeps
rpm –Uvh glibc-devel-2.17-55.el6.x86_64.rpm --force --nodeps
rpm –Uvh glibc-headers-2.17-55.el6.x86_64.rpm --force --nodeps
strings /lib64/ | grep GLIBC # should now show GLIBC 2.17

If that succeeded download teamviewer-host (for only remote access to this machine), or full teamviewer (to access other machines from this machine) from for Linux/CentOS x86_64
Now uninstall your old teamviewer:

yum remove teamviewer

From a file-explorer, open the download folder and double-click on the teamviewer .rpm
Or you can install with yum, by navigating your CD to the download folder and:

yum install teamviewer-host_14.4.2669.x86_64.rpm

There is one final step.
On the machine you want to access this server from, open TeamViewer and go to:
Extras -> Options -> Advanced -> Advanced settings for connections to other computers -> Access Control
and set to "Full Access".


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