Why are users taken to a page asking for a session code when using Quick Support?

ctrl-alt-mat Posts: 4
edited May 2023 in General questions

Hi all, why are users taken to a page asking for a session code when using Quick Support while it should "download" the module automatically instead and pre-fill that code and name, etc?

Thank you for your time and support,




Best Answer


  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,763 Moderator

    Hi @ctrl-alt-mat,

    Thank you for your post.

    Can you kindly private message me your QuickSupport link for testing purpose please?

    If possible, can you also provide a screenshot of the page of asking session code please.

    Many Thanks.


    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • Done, message sent

  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,763 Moderator

    Hi @ctrl-alt-mat,

    Thank you for sending the QS link and screenshot.

    After testing and checked for more details, the mystery of asking session code is that the user uses the generic link instead of your customised QS link (i.e get.teamviewer.com/[ABC123]). Can you kindly ensure that the users only use the customised QS link which you create and send please. If the users use the generic QS link by accident, they will still get the window of input session code.

    Hope the explaination helps. Feel free to contact us if there is anything we may assist further with.

    Best Regards


    Community Moderator/中文社区管理员
  • But how the user would use the generic link if I only sent him the customised link?

    If it helps to understand this behaviour, that link has been sent throught the Facebook Page messaging system, as if the system would "cut" the URL to reflect only https://get.teamviewer.com instead of the full customised URL?! Could it be?

    And to prevent this from happening again, what should I do?
