Mouse Clicks Failing on Remote

Hi everyone, 

I use Ubuntu systems on Dells. When connecting to my remote computer at times the mouse functioning stops - I cannot click windows, etc. I am unsure exactly how to recreate it, but it happens often enough and must be solved on the remote computer itself - which is obviously inconvenient. The remote computer does not do this itself without the teamviewer running (I use both and it's never happened when I am local to it). When I am there pressing the windows button on the keyboard, or restarting fixes the issue. I have not found a way to fix from TeamViewer though. 

Both have their settings set to full access and I am using an up to date version of TeamViewer.




  • hi,

    not sure if i have the same situation but i see also a freezing screen (too often).
    It usually occurs after some copy/paste activity. In that case the local   TeamViewer14_Logfile.log  shows an endless loop of :    XClipboard: Not selection owner  

    do you see similar behavior ?
