Disconnected when using MS Office Quick Access Toolbar

WFPeifer Posts: 3 ✭✭

I use Teamviewer frequently to connect to my personal server on the opposite side of the room when I'm on my laptop and love the convenience of not having to get up and walk 10 feet. I know. I'm lazy, but I still love the convenience. But I recently started having a problem. When I click on any of the buttons (undo, save as, etc.) on the Quick Access Toolbar in any of the server's MS Office applications it throws me out! Reconnecting is easy enough, but if I need to do it repetitively it gets to be sort of annoying. For instance:

I have an Access database on that server that I use to generate a serious of reports. I've customized the Quick Access Toolbar to include the "PDF or XPS" button. When I click on it through a Teamviewer connection that connection is terminated. When I reconnect the Windows Explorer window used to determine the location and name of my file is ready and waiting for me and I can proceed, but when I go to do the same thing for the next report in the series of 15 reports that I need to generate it does the same thing.

Has anybody else experienced this problem?


  • Jesilyn89
    Jesilyn89 Posts: 1

    Me too.  It's getting really annoying getting kicked off nearly every time I save a document.  And my computer is across town, so I don't even have the option of walking across the room to use the other one.

  • WFPeifer
    WFPeifer Posts: 3 ✭✭

    I've taken to using shortcut keystrokes for things that I'd normally do on the Quick Access toolbar. Ctrl+S to save, Ctrl+X to undo, etc. Still, at least I know now that it's not something wrong with my Office or Windows. Just a minor annoyance in Teamviewer, I suppose. I'll just have to brief the other members of my team that if they have to go into my server for something they need to use shortcut keys.

  • WFPeifer
    WFPeifer Posts: 3 ✭✭

    OOOPS! Ctrl+Z for undo. Ctrl+X is "cut".