Reset Teamviewer ID on cloned iOS device

Hi all

I cloned two iOS devices with basic apps incl. teamviewer. But they all have the same teamviewer ID. How can I change it?




  • Julia
    Julia Posts: 290 Staff member 🤠

    Hi Bianka,

    Please have a look at my post in this thread for cloned IDs on computers.

    Are you using the QuickSupport app on iOS? Which devices are effected?


    Senior Support Engineer - 2nd level Support
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  • Bianka
    Bianka Posts: 4

    Dear Julia

    Thanks for the quick reply, but iOS is missing.

    The devices are two ipads with iOS 10.3 on it. Both have Teamviewer app on it ( Even if you delete the app and reinstall it, the id on the clone is the same as on the master device.



  • Jeremy
    Jeremy Posts: 107 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Bianka,

    Could you kindly clarify what method or tool you used to clone the two iPads?

    Are you just meaning that you did a backup and restore, from one device to the other, using iTunes for example?

    TeamViewer Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Bianka
    Bianka Posts: 4

    Dear @Jeremy

    I tested two ways, one is with a backup image on itunes, the other is with the backup over iCloud. Both didn't work. I also tried to uninstall teamviewer and did a backup with itunes to reinstall it later. The iOS system saved the ID and used it again. Maybe I have to wait a week before I reinstall it again?

    Do you need more information?




  • Jeremy
    Jeremy Posts: 107 Staff member 🤠

    Thanks for the info. Could you try the following?

    1. Uninstall the TeamViewer app from both devices.
    2. Reboot both devices.
    3. Reinstall the app onto both devices from the Apple app store.

    Do you get a different ID now? Let me know whether this works or not!

    TeamViewer Quality Assurance Engineer
  • Bianka
    Bianka Posts: 4

    Dear @Jeremy

    I have tested it with the resulted that both have again the same ID. Any other ideas?



  • Jeremy
    Jeremy Posts: 107 Staff member 🤠

    Hi @Bianka,

    I've just sent you a PM...

    TeamViewer Quality Assurance Engineer
  • I have the same issue with 2 iPhone x
  • Please help
  • the same issue with two iphones

    no solution yet?


  • also having this issue with a phone backup restored to a new phone

  • I have this problem too. On two iPhones
  • mkofski
    mkofski Posts: 13


    I hav had the same thing happen on Macs when clients have cloned a new machine.  First saw it 2 or 3 years ago and was told by TV support that there isn't a fix.  When supporting the cloned pair I have to have only one turned on.  Then after I'm finished I have that machine shut down and ther other turned on.  Not an attractive fix but all I could come up with.  Obsiously thsi wouldn't work if I can trying to connect to the cloned machine from the original machine.


  • Tonys2020
    Tonys2020 Posts: 1

    Same problem too! Please advise!

  • Gerardv514
    Gerardv514 Posts: 11

    Any fix for this??