How can I recover my deleted computer?

UAE0ne Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions
Hello there,

Am adding multiple computers under my account, and I removed one of them by mistake,

Is there anyway to get it back without accessing to it?

Best Regards,


  • I came upon your post when I tried to find a solution for this as well, I think I found something that might help you:

    You log in to your "TeamViewer Management Console"

    In there:

    Click on your name (Profile) -> Edit profile -> Trusted Devices

    And there you should be able to see a list with the places you confirmed as trusted and one of them should be your deleted computer!

    I hope it helps!

  • Shaikh
    Shaikh Posts: 2

    Hi Sir

    I am facing similar problem , (Deleted one of my remote devices unknwly)

    is there any way how I can recover it. I cam accross here and I tried above answer in this forum.

    my edit profile path doesnt show Trusted devices, but I could find the Trusted devices in 'Go to your organisation settings'

    Trusted Devices list is empty.. I dont see any hope to recover my lost device now :(

    Please any if any one can help/support, deeply appriate your response

