Block teamviewer settings

Sorry for my English

It's possible block setting of Teamviewer software? i would like to prevent some users from changing their personal password.



Best Answer


  • Thanks for your Reply.

    Can I ask another question?

    Is it possible to lock the exit button from the program ?. I would like to ensure that users cannot close the software.


  • Esther
    Esther Posts: 4,051 Staff member 🤠

    Hi again @dmmario 

    No, this is not possible.

    Every user has always the possibility to end a session as they desire and TeamViewer is not designed to run in stealth mode either.

    Thanks and best,


    Former Community Manager

  • Elzer
    Elzer Posts: 1


    We are installing Teamviewer Host (remote) and regestering it to our corporate account as unattended access. We want to block the device user to change settings of local host software. And we want to remotely access to host device without a password. We have already create a policy at management console for removing password but we cant find the policy that blocks the device user to change the settings.

    Can you suggest something for that?


  • .Carol.fg.
    .Carol.fg. Posts: 1,350 Moderator

    Hi @Elzer ,

    Welcome, and thanks for reaching out to our Community!

    For a case like yours, there're two configurations we recommend:

    • Options password via .tvopt
      • On the advanced settings, you can set up one Host with a password for the Options menu, and then you can export the file .tvopt to use in the mass deployment.
    • Policies (enforced) :
      • Changes require administrative rights on this computer (so that only allows access to the TeamViewer settings while being logged in as administrator + Disable TeamViewer shutdown

    💡Hint: You can read more about mass deployment here.

    I hope it helps! 🍀

    Best, Carol

    Portuguese Community Moderator