I need to change my password on my TV Account.
This will cause the need to change passwords on several dozen servers.How do I get a list of servers on which the "easy access" option is currently set ?
I will test it soon.Is this described in Documentation ?
Hi @mLipok
Thanks for your reply.
This was exactly what I meant
If you change your account password in the MCO, you will still be able to connect to the devices in your list using Easy Access. Only new devices require first the account assignment (with the new password) and then the setting Easy Access.
Hope this could help.
Please let me know, if I can assist any further.
All the best, Natascha
This following screenshot shows what I mean.I ask about a situation when I have alredy set easy access to many host, and then I change my TV Account Password in ManagmentConsole.Do I still get easy access to all these devices?
Thank you for your post.
Why should the change of your account password affect several servers where easy access is set?
The account assignment and therefore Easy Access will remain the same.
Let me know, if I can help you any further.
Wish you a great day.