I cant post anything , even my request for help as to why i can not ask for help is blocked ??

My first post was removed even though it had NO logs in it at all. So i created a second post with the same info under a different section which was not deleted. I got a response from a user who asked for me to check the logs but no matter how hard i try i can not post any logs, i have had about 8 post deleted https://community.teamviewer.com/t5/Linux/TV-14-quot-Not-ready-quot-on-Manjaro-KDE/td-p/74899
I have read the community guidelines and it does not mention anything about how to post logs or even mention that you should not post logs.
Even a screen shot of a log with all possible personal ID removed by me was deleted from the thread by the forum.
How on earth am i supposed to get support here, im really scratching my head.
Hahaha now i cant even post this, i get the error message "There was an error while attempting to post your message. Try again in a few minutes."