Hi all,
So TeamViewer announced the patch management component of their asset management suite about a month ago. Initially I was happy to see this, however not longer after this was announced it was obivous that this was "hit and miss". Sometimes it would appear to work and other times you would get a messgae it was installing the patches but not, or a spinning wheel would just appear.
I reported this as soon as I could confirm the issue, and have had some replies from their support, that they have acknowledged this and are working on it. However these repies are not very frequent and do not detail what they have acknowledged or what they are doing with it.
I am disappointed in the new announcement and inability for it to actually do what it is announced about, and also the fact that a month has gone by and nothing has been communicated since.
This is just as broken as it was month ago and effectively I am left in a state where I am losing any confidence in this actually working at all. I am not having to consider other options and as a result losing any confidence in TeamViewer in totality.
So in order to get some movement from TeamViewer and to see if this is wider than just my experience, I thought I would reach out to the community and see if we anyone else is effectively being given the "spinning wheel" on waiting for some communications and resolution to this newly announced part of the asset managment suite.
Come on TeamViewer, communications is KING. Get your act together,