I'm seeing a trend and curious if there is any validity to it. My company will use Teamviewer to screen share with end users for various reasons. One such reason would be connectvity issues to programs that we host in our network. The end users initiate a remote desktop connection over a VPN tunnel to us. It could be that they say they they are getting dropped/disconnected or general latency/hanging. Now - sometimes - yes - the end user site or device is having issues - which can be confirmed on that device by pinging and seeing the drops to the internet (then we may run pings from that device to the wireless AP and may see drops there too) and we would pass that to their IT.
However more and more I am hearing that when a client calls in with drops/slowness, etc - we Teamviewer into the device and it never misbehaves after that. The next day - when we aren't connected - they will have issues and once we connect to look - it stops and doesn't show on the Teamviewer recordings/pings anything.
Its not just one client - I have MANY clients that seem to start tp think that the Teamviewer application itself has some kind of keepalive or something that masks the connectivity issues the end users may be having.
I normally dismissed this thought - if anything - to me - running a screen sharing program would put an extra burden on system resources - not make it better but we have even had a 3rd party IT make a comment that they said Teamviewer doesn't show the end user's experience exactly - and it more of less keeps the connection alive and makes it so we can't see the latency etc.
Is there any chance that Teamviewer may be helping connectivity?