How do I export a list of all my users or email them

issupport Posts: 1
edited May 2023 in General questions

I would like a list of my active users in CSV to create a contact group of these users. We like to keep in touch with our Teamviewer users, and yes I can look at my user list and make one manually, but we have a lot of users. It seems like exporting a list wouldn't be that difficult.

Or even better! Is there a way from the Management Console to contact all my users at once?


  • The ability to export the list of TeamViewer users in the Management Console will be very beneficial and helpful for companies that need to run reports and size/scope metrics on their active user base. I was able to just copy / paste the users after highlighting to select them all into export and doing some manual reformatting in Excel. However, with the new UI recently introduced in the management console, I cannot even perform a highlight and select the entries to copy/paste now. This is getting frustrating that a simple feature is not available in TeamViewer. We do not want to just look at Connection Reports, we want an export of the user list.

  • Same situation over here. Before the last Management Console update, I can do a print of the page with all the users, It was not perfect but at least it was something.

    Right now, I'm not able to export my users in anyway, and I need it to manage the list on Excel and other tools.

    Can TeamViewer propose any solution, like an API?

  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,085 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @issupport, @shirleysim and @snijhof1990,

    I am updating the discussion here as it is now possible to export all users into a CSV file from the Management Console.

    1. Log in to the Management Console:
    2. Click on User Management
    3. Click the manage button (🔧)
    4. Select Export all to CSV
    5. Recommended: Select Semicolon as delimitation
    6. Click on Export

    This will download the export in .csv format automatically.

    I hope this will help your future exports!

    All the best,


    Community Manager