User Management Issues

Hi All,

I am not sure if I am the only one that is finding the user/permissions in teamviewer difficult to use, but here are some of the issues that I am experiencing.

We utilise external resources to help us support our environment. This is problematic as these users already have accounts with there company. To get around this, we can share a link to allow them into one of our groups.

If I only want this user to be able to access an item (Computer/group) at a particular point in time (when we have an issue). I cannot disable their account when I don’t want them to have access, I have to remove it when I don’t want them to have access. Then I have to add them again next time I need support.

If I could just enable/disable the linked users, like we can with the organisation users, that would help. As an addition to the above, it would be great to be able to only enable an account for a period of time (4 Hours), then have it auto disable at the end of the time period.

Also, these shared contacts do not show up in the connection reports. If I would like to track connections to my machines, why would I not want to see all connections?

The setting up of groups can also provide opportunities. It would appear the original creator of a group is the owner of that object, so if one of our shared users is an admin, and sets up some of our groups. If we remove him from our environment, he still owns the group. I would have thought that groups should be owned by the organisation, not a user, or at least be able to select the owner. To get around this, I have been told to set up a master account, and that account should be used to set up the groups, user management, etc. If those credentials are used by multiple users, how do I track who is changing things?

Any advice would be appreciated.



  • Ying_Q
    Ying_Q Posts: 2,761 Moderator

    Hi @Todd_Aus,

    Thank you for your post.

    Firstly as i am not 100% understanding the scenario, please excuse me for any misleading suggestions in your case.

    There are a few possible policy settings like Black and Whitelist for filtering the incoming connections from particular TeamViewer IDs or TeamViewer accounts, and Cconnection reports for logging activities on devices, and Enforce auto recording of remote control sessions for a video recording on the actual connection. Please noted that all the policy settings mentioned aboved are for the set up on the devices.

    Unfortunately there is nothing available to set up the time duration for any connectins on any device.

    It is recommended to create and use master account(s) for centralised management on groups creation and sharings. And it is not ideal to share the credentials of the master account information between users. 

    I do hope that my suggestion above will be helpful. Feel free to contact TeamViewer Support Team for further assistance and suggestions.



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