I'm working for company. The company created an account in TeamViewer for me, but I was on holidays. When I've came back to work, I was trying to active my account, but the activation link has expired. Now, when I want to login via desktop app I have window says "Your account needs to be activated. Please click re-send activation link". When I click it, it's opening a web browser tab (https://login.teamviewer.com/LogOn) When I want to login there I see this:

It's Error message about nothing. It's in Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, IE, android mobile (normal and incognito mode). When I want to reset password I'm reciving a email about password reset, I'm redirected to the reset password site and I can reset it. But after that still I cannot login - same issue. No activation e-mail recived, after this first one. As TeamViewer admin in my company said he can only delete this account from company profile. C