To hide Host side popups/windows

Hi Teamviewer support and the community,

We are an outdoor advertising company, installing and maintaining digital screens that run commercials. Currently, we are trying to migrate from old remote access software to Teamviewer. Maintenance that we do on the screens should have a minimal reflection on the display so customers and pedestrians see nothing other than playing content. So far all is good except a couple of things:

1. File transfer informational popup. With the latest TeamViewer host version (12.0.77242) that popup stays on the screen even when the session is closed, which is absolutely unacceptable in our case. So my questions are:
   a. Is is possible to suppress that popup at all?
   b. If not, is it possible to make that popup autohide?
   c. if not, is it possible to hide it after the session is closed?

2. The session list panel, I figured "Automatically minimise local TeamViewer Panel" setting makes it autohide, but it does that after 10 seconds or so. We need to eliminate or minimise any other than the content windows.
   a. is it possible to suppress that panel?
   b. if not, is it possible to autohide it without the delay after the connection is established?

Any help is very appreciated,


  • I also use TeamViewer in a manner where I am very sensitive to the host side display.  I hope there is some way in which the Host Display Panel can be completely eliminated in an unattended session.

  • bartlanz
    bartlanz Posts: 315
    If my post was helpful, Please throw me a Kudos.
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    Bart Lanzillotti
  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi Everyone!

    Sorry, I know I am jumping into this quite late.

    TeamViewer is not surveilance software. We always make sure that the end user is always aware that there is a connection being made to their device. Because of this it is not possible to hide this message as it is the notification to the end user.

    This is also part of our commitment to making sure the software is safe and secure and that people can feel safe with TeamViewer on their systems.

    I understand this can be frustrating for public displays, the only thing I can reccomend is what Bartlanz reccomended - Either a virtual monitor or second monitor set as the primary display.


    Senior Moderator
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  • Wizzdome
    Wizzdome Posts: 2

    why not make it minimize to the task bar in its own tab so that it can be accessed and not interfere with display when it is not wanted... I am wanting to use this to access a computer that is hooked up to a tv to play video files on a tv screen from a laptop at a remote location from the tv. This is the best way I have found but it really irks me to see the teamviewer logo on the right side of my movie the whole time. I do like the time and effort you put into the side barstyle tab but if you put it onto the tab bar it would be more practical and efficient. please consider this in an update... thank you for you time i hope you understand.

  • Wizzdome
    Wizzdome Posts: 2

    you could offer this setting via local pc only which would cut any problem with with security issues if enduser wishes it to be so... make it so!!!


  • krb
    krb Posts: 1

    it can be done, Host side panel will gt hide on auto. Set as below

  • Scotty
    Scotty Posts: 493 Staff member 🤠

    Hi krb,

    This setting only refers to the Main Application Window on the remote side. It is not referring to the connection slide out panel that appears on the bottom right of the remote side.


    Senior Moderator
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  • Any chance we could have an option to move the panel to another corner? I have an application in which I need to see data, and mouse hover/right click across the bottom of the screen. Top left or right is fine. Many applications allow other corners.

    Regarding surveillance, I agree with the principle, but the argument doesn't really hold water. The host has to give their ID/password to the client user, and the default is dynamic passwords. I assume many TV users are out of office, controlling their own desk computers, running complex installed apps which cannot be loaded onto their mobile machines.

    Please at least consider the multiple corner option.

  • Forget this, I see version 13 has floating windows.

  • What does that mean, is it possible to hide the icon on win10?

  • QFCraig
    QFCraig Posts: 1

    So you mean to tell me that as an Administrator of the remote computer where I have applied a policy controlling the behaviour of the Teamviewer host application, I cannot control the behaviour of the host Teamviewer application. That is just ludicrous. As hundreds of thousands of Teamviewer users experience every day, the host panel covers a portion of the remote screen, rendering anything behind that panel inaccessible. This is an unacceptable solution to your "T.V. is not spyware" answer.

    As a T.V. Administrator I can set the policy to allow control of the remote Teamviewer thereby allowing hiding of the host panel. Why can I not set a policy to hide the host panel?? This means that the only way to make T.V. functional is to reduce the security by allowing all users to modify T.V. settings.

    T.V. renders remote software inaccessible. I'll be sure to keep that in mind when I don't renew our licenses next year.

    There has got to be a better way to let the remote user know that there is an active connection to their PC other than completely blocking a portion of the screen.

    I know this thread is 3 years old but because this issue comes up constantly I'm posting so others understand that they are not alone in their frustration with this Teamviewer behaviour.

  • It may not be survelence software but the pop up web page has screwed me up  so many times! I use and pay for this app comercially, i dont want to see a web page randomly poping up on displays of system that dont have keyboards to be able to close the pop up. For 2500 dollars a year, i dont want to see that **bleep** or have it disable my systems. It does this when it pops up a web page and blocks my RFID timeclock logon, because it is opening another program and by doing that it sends my program to the rear screen. So when the RFID is scanned it starts to type in the darned web page that is poped up! This is not acceptable for a Paid Comercial APP!!

  • olsy
    olsy Posts: 1

    Hello, you can disable publicity message on advanced options uncheck option "In-Product marketing messages "

  • skye_captain
    skye_captain Posts: 2
    edited December 2021

    Let's just keep this thread going. :)

    If the connection is configured such that the remote computer's screen goes "black" and shows the TeamViewer login screen, why not hide the session list/chat panel then? How can the user possibly need to be told that there is a TeamViewer session active by means of the session list when their entire login screen screams TeamViewer? If they log in using RDP, TeamViewer, VNC, a local session, or anything else, detect this and then show them the session list, or just kill the TeamViewer session and tell both sessions that you did so.

    Before that hypothetical user logs on, there is no way I can imagine that they need to "see" the session list (which they cannot see, anyway) in order to know there is an active TeamViewer session. I also cannot conceive of any way that the session list (which again, they cannot see until they are actually logged in) will be a better indicator of a TeamViewer session than the fact that their entire login screen screams TeamViewer at them.

    In this case, when the connection is configured to use the login screen to scream that there is a TeamViewer session active, and the user cannot possibly see the session list, it seems like a disservice to everyone involved to make the session list visibility mandatory. It complicates IT operations for some companies, especially those that require a hands-on approach to some of their maintenance as opposed to automation. It also makes use cases such as the one intended by the OP impossible.

    That's licensing revenue TeamViewer may lose, and a good solution that some IT shops, remote billboard and kiosk operators may just walk away from.

    If I were TeamViewer, I would find this line of reasoning compelling. Do you? If so, please reconsider. If not, please tell us why not. Thank you.

  • im using it on a mac. and I don't have the box "automatically minimize team viewer panel". so how do i have that console tab auto minimize?

    it covers over the mac drive, and unless I allow control of the local TV, it cant be moved by the person logging in.

  • gstone
    gstone Posts: 1

    so I can tell you from working with other several other remote software tools, plenty of them have the option once you are connected to hide the bar connection bar.

    Working on a remote users machine it can get rather annoying to have something cover up any portion of an app window that you are working in. We also allow end users to access their machines in-lieu of VPN/RDP and in detracts from the end user experience to have something stuck on their screen they cant get rid of.

  • "TeamViewer is not surveillance software. We always make sure that the end user is always aware that there is a connection being made to their device." Sorry but that's not quite true, that's exactly how those anti scammers on youtube are able to get in to the scammers computers and steal all their files while on the phone with them.