12.0.78313 Connected/Modern Standby doesn't seem to work?
hi, the new TeamViewer version 12.0.78313 features Connected Standby Modern Standby doesn't seem to work?
tested hardware Acer iconia w4 Windows 8/10 TouchScreen Tablet, CPU Intel Atom BayTrail z3740, running lastest windows 10 32bit Anniversary Update 1607 Public release 10.0.14393.1198.
the Tablet itself Connected/Modern Standby was working well without problem, testing method was using Microsoft Groove Music Apps playing music saved at local drive, when enter standby mode, the music and whole playlist would still playing continuously, another method was using TuneIn Radio Apps, streaming radio station from internet via wifi, when enter standby mode, the radio would still playing continuously.
just that TeamViewer new features Connected/Modern Standby doesn't seem to work, when the Tablet enter Standby Mode, The Tablet would goes from Online to Offline at TeamViewer Software, logged in Account, Computers & Contacts list. if turn the Tablet back on fromm Standby Mode, the Tablet would also goes from Offline to Online at TeamViewer Software, logged in Account, Computers & Contacts list.
TeamViewer 12.0.78313
TeamViewer now supports Connected Standby and Windows 10 Modern Standby
Best Answer
Thanks for the info! That confirms that Modern Standby is indeed supported on your tablet.
TeamViewer's support of Microsoft's Windows 8 Connected Standby and Windows 10 Modern Standby means that when your device turns back on (wakes up from standby mode), TeamViewer will immediately go online and be available for connections.
However, while the device is in standby mode, TeamViewer will still go offline - this is still the expected behaviour. We aren't able to keep TeamViewer online while the device is in standby mode, even on devices that support Modern Standby, due to the way this feature works.
Previously, when a device that supported Modern Standby would go into standby mode, TeamViewer would go offline (as expected), and when the device was later woken up, TeamViewer could take several minutes to come back online again.
The change we've made with the latest version of TeamViewer, in providing support for Connected Standby and Modern Standby, means that TeamViewer now comes online immediately after the device is woken up.
TeamViewer Quality Assurance Engineer6
Hi @Alpha_Tay,
Could you check something for me on your tablet? Please open an elevated Command Prompt window - locate the Command Prompt shortcut on your Start menu, right-click it, and select "Run as administrator". When the Command Prompt window opens, it should show "Administrator: Command Prompt" in the title bar.
In this window, please enter the following command and report back the results to me:
powercfg /availablesleepstates
I'm mostly interested in what it says regarding the S0 Low Power Idle state, which is the state that Windows 10 Modern Standby uses.
Also, how exactly do you enter standby mode on your tablet? Do you just press the power button on the side of the tablet, or do you select a sleep mode on the Start menu, or some other method?
TeamViewer Quality Assurance Engineer0 -
hi, i enter sleep mode via start menu.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.14393]
(c) 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\WINDOWS\system32>powercfg /availablesleepstates
The following sleep states are available on this system:
Standby (S0 Low Power Idle) Network Connected
Fast StartupThe following sleep states are not available on this system:
Standby (S1)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.Standby (S2)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.Standby (S3)
The system firmware does not support this standby state.
This standby state is disabled when S0 low power idle is supported.Hybrid Sleep
Standby (S3) is not available.0 -
Thanks for the info! That confirms that Modern Standby is indeed supported on your tablet.
TeamViewer's support of Microsoft's Windows 8 Connected Standby and Windows 10 Modern Standby means that when your device turns back on (wakes up from standby mode), TeamViewer will immediately go online and be available for connections.
However, while the device is in standby mode, TeamViewer will still go offline - this is still the expected behaviour. We aren't able to keep TeamViewer online while the device is in standby mode, even on devices that support Modern Standby, due to the way this feature works.
Previously, when a device that supported Modern Standby would go into standby mode, TeamViewer would go offline (as expected), and when the device was later woken up, TeamViewer could take several minutes to come back online again.
The change we've made with the latest version of TeamViewer, in providing support for Connected Standby and Modern Standby, means that TeamViewer now comes online immediately after the device is woken up.
TeamViewer Quality Assurance Engineer6 -
hi, oh i see. i think the changelog didnt state it clearly and i misunderstood it. i also forgot that only windows store apps that specifically built for Connected/Modern Standby would support Connected/Modern Standby, windows desktop software would not support Connected/Modern Standby.
since i use this tablet preloaded with windows 8, and windows 8.1 upgrade, and windows 10 upgrade, teamviewer always comes online immediately in a matter of second after the device is woken up. take several minutes to come back online doesn't happen on this tablet.
thx for the reply and help.
1 -
You're right, it probably could have been stated more clearly!
And yes, the main issue here is that only supported Windows Store apps are able to remain online and running when the device is in standby. Desktop programs like the full version of TeamViewer therefore cannot.
Good to know that TeamViewer comes back online so quickly on your tablet anyway.
TeamViewer Quality Assurance Engineer0 -
hi, yea right, thanks for the help and explanation.