can't connect from mobile phone to new laptop

I am using free version and have been able to connect from my mobile phone to my laptop without a problem. I am replacing the laptop with a new one, but I am not able to connect my mobile phone to the new laptop. Is it possible McAfee Virus software is preventing it?

Best Answer


  • JeanK
    JeanK Posts: 7,029 Community Manager 🌍

    Hello @numpdog,

    Thank you very much for your message. ?

    We need to know more about the problem you are having. Could you please explain it in a little bit more detail? Did you receive an error message and if so, what did it say? ?️‍♂️

    Thanks in advance!



    Community Manager

  • I thought I was using the free version when I connected from mobile to laptop before, but it wasn't. Once I realized that and transferred the license key to my new laptop, mobile to laptop connection worked fine. I did have to call tech support to verify which license key was the correct one to use.

  • I was able to access remotely from my iPhone 11 Promax before with no problems whatsoever.

    Once I update the software of Apple, everything was all messed up. including the TeamViewer app on my phone. Every time I want to access my desktop now it gives me just a few second to go in it communicates but it does not allow me to continue because for any reason is telling me that the commercial use is expired and I have to buy for commercial...I do not use this for commercial use. This is and always been for personal use. Can you help me with what I should do, please? Thank you!