Hello there,
We are a french city, and we are using blizz since 07 May 2019 for the municipal council to diffuse the council order on a tablet.
We use it every 3 month for the council, and we use it already 2/3 times without any problems.
During or last council the 18 December 2019, we notice or Blizz licence wasn't activate anymore, we are now on "FREE" user.
We use the same account every time, and we have on this account a TeamViewer licence activate until May 2020.
We can't login to this web site https://subscription.blizz.com/enduser-portal with or log, we got the message error "Authentication failure, verify your mail address and password".
we have only acces to https://go.blizz.com/logon .
This January 02 2020 i send a request to the teamviewer support, i receive a confirmation mail about my request, but until now i'm still waiting for a response.
What we can do to solve this problem ?
WorkStation Admin