I deleted a user and now need to add it back to the allowed users. The system says that the email is already in use.
Any way to add that user back:
This is exactly the issue that we have here.
User configured MFA, changed phones and bye-bye access..
Even with the recovery code, the user does not have acce
NO, this does not help at all. The user had MFA turned on and does not know the recovery password. Now they have NO way to login.
This is ridiculous. As the company admin and owner of the email domain I should be able to do something or they should.
PLEASE HELP - With the coronavirus and people working from home this is a huge issue Teamviewer has created.
This is really POOR workflow on the part of Teamviewer. Account Management needs some work. Need to be able to request a re-authorization by email but it won't let you.
HI @csmart
You can add him as an existing user instead of creating a new user account.
I hope you find this article helpful: Add an existing account
All the best,