Free teamviewer download

I had the free teamviewer down loaded but could not find it so I downdoaded it again and it stoped at "please wait while teamviewer is being installed" nothing happened so I tried to download it again. same thing. tried again. same thing. now when I click on the teamviewer icon in my tool bar it comes up with all the " being installed" pages and I cannot x out of any of them. they are also in my files and I can't deleat any of them. I am not very computer smart. please help.



  • Vatsilidis
    Vatsilidis Posts: 655 ⭐Star⭐

    Hi @Michael451 

    Which kind of app did you tried to install? The Host or the full?

    Have you checked to the task manager if the app is still running and needs to be terminated?

    Could you try to give some details of your system?

    Best regards