when I try to open up my teamviewer icon in my launch pad , it acts like its opening for a second and then it just disappears and won't open up.
Did anyone solved this issue ??
I'm having the same probem.
I downloaded TeamViewer and installed it. I had a "trial run" linking to a friend's computer and all worked fine.
Then, a few days later, when I double-clicked on the app, nothing happened. It is pointless talking about any solution that involves opening the app as I CANNOT open the app.
I tried downloading a fresh copy but that won't open either.
I a running a 27" iMac with Mojave 10.14.6 and I have 8GB of RAM.
I'm having the exact same issue and I'm unable to solve it using the suggestions from Rognac.
Hi, Unfortunately, your suggestions do not work. The TeamViewer app does not open at all. it is on the dashboard, and that's all. It is a MacBook Air.
Had the same problem with macOS Big Sur. The login problem is due to the new security layer from TeamViewer.
I solve this problem following these steps:
Tried many solutions and the only one which worked for me has been following these steps.
I hope this may help you.
What is the article? I am having the same problem where the app is on my dashboard and looks like it is opening but then doesn't do anything when I click on it.
Hi @Mixwell8
have you seen this related article about how to set up the TeamViewer on your Mac?
Also what version did you installed and what version of MacOS are you running?
Best regards