Remote re-start

csbc Posts: 2 ✭✭

Am I right in thinking I can start/restart my Mac remotely from iOS.

I read something about this on a Mac site, but could find no further info. I'd love to be able to access my Mac if away on holiday, but don't want to leave it powered up for a long period and unattended.

Thanks, Colin

Best Answer


  • csbc
    csbc Posts: 2 ✭✭

    Thanks for that Bart [delay as Gmail treated the notification as spam].

    Sadly it seems that with a Mac it only works to wake from sleep rather than from powered down, but as sleep only consumes 1.16W looks as if it would take over a month to use a KwH! I just have to decide if I am happy to leave it plugged in and on over a long holiday …

    Cheers, Colin