Can you run multiple Teamviewer instances on a host? So that unattended access from several different support companies is possible?
The free version of TeamViewer does not have a time limit, What does is a Free user connecting to a paid license host. If you contact the TeamViewer Sales Department, I am sure they would extend you a trial of the paid subscription. It is usually 15 days so test it quickly.
Who ever installs and configures the host gets to set it up. When you do so, You can setup a Personal Password. Once you set the personal password (Yellow Aarows) you can set aditional passwords (Red Aarow). Please note that the text that the red aarow is pointing at doesn't appear until you set the password on the yellow aarows. I am unsure of a limit but there must be one. I usually only need to set three of them. You can also password protect the options section to prevent users from messing with these settings (this setting is under the advanced options)
We are in evaluation for a new tool, so far we had logintome. We test with 2 different companies and each with the free version. With the access of another company can only be 5 minutes online. Is that weill it is the free version is?For unattended access to a host of different companies, a shared access password must be created, or can any company on the host use its own access password for unattended access?
The PC you are looking to remotely control can have one host and be remotely controlled individually or concurrently by two (or more) users from the same organization or different organizations. The only limit on this would be if you have a white list running on TeamViewer
Is it possible in the event of 2 separate support companies, so for example that they have this host in their account and I have the same in my account?
Yes multiple people can access the computer at the same time. BUT you do not need to run more than one host at a time. Everyone will connect to the same host. I do this regularly.