Remote control connection drops - advice needed


I was wondering if I could get some help on an issue that I am having with the remote connection tool (I have a free version but looking to purchase a license). I am able to connect initially between my PC and my tablet to control the tablet remotely and seems to work just fine during the day. However, when I come in the next day, the connection between the two devices is lost and I have to manually re-connect to establish the link. I tried to work around this by keeping the PC and tablet "awake" overnight, but that didn't seem to keep the connection. My question is whether there is a way to maintain the PC and tablet remote connection indefinitely without have the manually re-connect? Thank you for your help. 




  • JoshP
    JoshP Posts: 905 Senior Moderator

    Hello @Vee1 

    Thank you for your post.

    Is this an Android tablet or a different manufacturer? If Android, it could have to do with Eco Mode - you can disable Eco-Mode in the Advanced settings of the Host app to see if this helps.

    Josh P.

    Senior Community Moderator


  • Vee1
    Vee1 Posts: 2

    Hi JoshP,

    Thank you for the advice. Yes, it is a Samsung tablet with Android. Will try later today and see if this works.
    Thank you for your help.