Unattended access - allow *only* for my account
Hi all, I setup TeamViewer to allow myself to log onto my home desktop iMac from my MacBook. I installed TeamViewer on both machines, and setup Easy Access for my user in the Remote Control settings on my desktop iMac. That works just great.
However, I would love for my user to be the *only* way to even attempt to connect to my iMac for Remote Control. Today, I had the remote control connection request pop-up from some machine I didn't recognize. I appreciate that I needed to approve the request (I canceled it) but the person tried repeatedly to connect until I finally exited from TeamViewer.
I also have my security settings such that I am allowing access only for whitelisted users (only me)Security Settings
Is there more I can do to disable Remote Control for anyone other than me attempting to connect from a whitelisted machine?
Thank you!