Why is there no option to disable locking upon disconnect?
I have TeamViewer latest version 12.0.78517 on a macOS Sierra 10.12.5. I read through the forums that you can disable "Lock remote computer", because I don't want my Mac to lock after disconnect, but I have no such option when I scroll through Advanced settings for connections to other computers. Why?
Turns out I have the setting on my iPhone.
Lock remote computer is in the security section Thanks. I'll check to see if it works.
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Update - Even though the "solution" is on my iPhone, the computer still locks up after disconnect. My earlier post is now mark unsolved. And yes, the Mac OS X doesn't have the ability to disable the locking upon disconnect option. There is no such option! Very frustrating if you ask me.
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I have the same problem - is there a solution yet?
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If you see my reply under this post, maybe it could help you.
With kind regards,
Iain Wels
With kind regards, Met vriendelijke groet,
Iain Wels,
If you found this helpfull please verify it as an solution, so it could help other people0 -
I believe this is what you are looking for2 -
I have the same issue just with the mac. my pc conections work and time frame for the mac fix to this?
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Version 13.1.1548
Go to Options > Advanced > Show advanced options > Advanced settings for connections to other computers > Lock remote computer => set to Never
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These Windows Host solutions in the Advanced settings will not work on a Mac Host, because TV has not yet implemented that feature on the Mac Host (hopefully they will soon, because it's a PITA otherwise).
The "sticky" option to disable it from the Client was broken before v13. They fixed it in early versions of v13, but the bug has been reintroduced in Mac v13.1.4170 (or maybe a close previous version). Many of my hosts are now constantly reverting to automatically locking the host on disconnect, even when I explicitly uncheck Action > Lock Computer > Lock On Session End.
This needs to be fixed again in the Mac Host. And they need to expose that Host-side Advanced pref that can disable this useless and obnoxious feature, just like they have on the Windows Host.
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I can confirm that this is still broken on the newest version of macOS (Mojave 10.14.2) with TeamViewer 14.1.3399.
There is no option to disable locking after session disconnect on either the connecting or target system.
This needs to be fixed.
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I cannot believe this doesnt work yet,
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Yes, for Mac Users and TeamViwer this is a shoddy piece of support :-(