Version out of date (February 25, 2021)Closed
Hi all,
we are getting reports from our users getting the below message and issues connecting:
We are working on a solution and will keep you updated here.
I start merging all posts as comments into this thread to keep all information in one place.
Thanks for your understanding and report!
Former Community Manager
Support, good morning! I'm trying to connect to another machine, but I can't ... Both machines are in the current version: 15.5.5 Before this update occurred, it was working correctly, after updating TeamViewer on both machines, it is no longer possible to perform remote access. Could you please check?
Same issue for me.
Not able to connect anymore a remote computer (Connection failure due to remote version out of date)
Local version: Debian 10 64bit, TeamViewer v15.15.5
Remote: Windows 10, TeamViewer 15.x.x ? 32bits
To check I have done a test with another remote computer
Local version: Linux 64, 15.15.5
Remote: Windows 32, 15.3
Same connection failure due to remote version out of date
I have then upgraded the remote to latest 15.15.5 and still get the same error message
All version are Free versions
I have a workaround. Uninstall the broken version on both local and remote. Install the last version 14 available. It's downloadable from the teamviewer website - do a search. Upgrade both local and remote versions from within teamviewer to ver 15.2.2756. Both my systems are now talking to each other
I had no reason to suspect this having had no issues for years but it looks like a recent update to BitDefender software basically killed the access through Teamviewer. Having removed BitDefender on the target computer I tried again and while it didn't work the error didn't appear so now removing BitDefender from the source to see if it works and then try a re-install of it to fix.
I get the same problem. First I had the issue that alot of thers had that the remote session failed because the version was to old. Now that seems be fixed but now I also get the 1 minute block warning. Check license or upgade...anoying as *bleep*. I have been contacting TW about this multiple times. sometimes the problem just dissapears and then reappear. I guess this is a time when it appears again.
Guys, I had the same problem. I reinstalled it on my machine and on the machine that I am controlling the same version that I installed, which is now on TeamViewer 15.5.5 of 17/02/2021. As soon as I installed it again, the first time I didn't check the box to clear my settings and it gave the same problem. The second time I selected the box to delete my settings, I logged in again and it worked !! I don't know if it will help you, but here it worked this way! Try to delete the settings on both machines. Oh, and even so, he kept the machine in the "Computers & Contacts" tab, as it is linked to the login.
Hello, I use TW to connect to my notebook on the same home network, I've been using free licence fine for months but today I can't stay connected to the other computer for more than 1 minute.
It just disconnects by showing a time out error. I know if commercial usage is detected, clients get disconnected but even that takes 5 minutes AFAIK? And I haven't seen a detection warning. Why is this happening, any clue?
Same thing is happening to me:
Hi again and thanks for your feedback so far.
I talked to our dev teams again:
We were able to identify the root cause in connection with an update to our backend systems that had the unwanted side effect that a lot of our users were not able to connect.
The issue has been resolved and we make sure that this will not happen again.
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Best, Esther
Former Community Manager
Both sides are updated to 15.15.5, still unable to connect, prompt version problem.