TeamViewer is opening full screen every time my computer starts


Since a week or so TeamViewer is opening full screen every time I start my computer. Did anyone experience this also? I can't find a setting how to change this. It should only start minimized in the task bar. Like it did since 10 years.



  • GrinchStix
    GrinchStix Posts: 0

    Seeing the same behavior on my system as well and haven't found a way to disable it.

    Added a scheduled task on login to run a PowerShell script as admin with the following:

    Stop-Process -Name TeamViewer

    This will only kill the window and tray icon, but the service will still be running so it can still be connected to.

  • PSupport
    PSupport Posts: 4 ✭✭
    edited May 2021

    Hi GrinchStix,

    Thanks for your reaction. I'm not the only one apparently.

    I like your solution. I didn't think of it. However, I would like TeamViewer themselves to solve this.

    I hoped for a lot more reactions from other users, but apparently no seems to bother.

    Thanks anyway.