Teamviewer GUI slow on Debian

mehturt Posts: 7 ✭✭

I am running TV 12 on my Debian GNU/Linux machine.  The problem is, after I start teamviewer, the GUI is terribly slow, it takes several seconds when I switch to TeamViewer window to redraw, or when I click on menu, it takes several seconds to show.

After like a minute or so, it starts working normally.  Note this is prior to connecting anywhere, just the GUI is running.

Any idea what could be the problem?




  • ChristianCay
    ChristianCay Posts: 182 [Former Staff]

    Dear mehturt,

    Thank you for contacting TeamViewer.

    Let's have a look to your system while you're running TeamViewer.

    Please run these commands to diagnose your issue

    cat /proc/cpuinfo | tee info.log
    uptime | tee -a info.log
    ps auxf | grep -i teamviewer | awk '{print $11 "\t" $4}' | tee -a info.log
    free -h | tee -a info.log

    Then send us the output so we can check what's happening.

    We are looking forward to your comments.

    Best regards,


    Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • mehturt
    mehturt Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Hello Christian, thanks for looking into this. How can I share the info.log?
  • ChristianCay
    ChristianCay Posts: 182 [Former Staff]

    Dear mehturt,

    You can just paste the contents of the file on this post.

    Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • mehturt
    mehturt Posts: 7 ✭✭

    processor : 0
    vendor_id : GenuineIntel
    cpu family : 6
    model : 58
    model name : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    stepping : 9
    microcode : 0x16
    cpu MHz : 1276.945
    cache size : 3072 KB
    physical id : 0
    siblings : 4
    core id : 0
    cpu cores : 2
    apicid : 0
    initial apicid : 0
    fpu : yes
    fpu_exception : yes
    cpuid level : 13
    wp : yes
    flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx rdtscp lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc aperfmperf eagerfpu pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr pdcm pcid sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm ida arat epb xsaveopt pln pts dtherm tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid fsgsbase smep erms
    bogomips : 5187.92
    clflush size : 64
    cache_alignment : 64
    address sizes : 36 bits physical, 48 bits virtual
    power management:

    (4 cores)

    09:22:32 up 25 days, 23:58, 50 users, load average: 0.42, 0.68, 0.68
    /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/teamviewerd 0.0
    | 0.0
    | 0.3
    | 0.0
    | 0.1
    /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/wine/bin/wineserver 0.0
    total used free shared buffers cached
    Mem: 11G 9.4G 2.3G 249M 275M 4.5G
    -/+ buffers/cache: 4.5G 7.1G
    Swap: 9.1G 335M 8.8G

  • ChristianCay
    ChristianCay Posts: 182 [Former Staff]

    Dear mehturt,

    Your system looks fine to support TeamViewer and run smoothly. 

    Let's see if you're running the latest build by running the following command

    teamviewer info

    We are looking forward to your comments.

    Best regards,



    Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • mehturt
    mehturt Posts: 7 ✭✭

    TeamViewer 12.0.71510 (DEB)

    teamviewerd status ● teamviewerd.service - TeamViewer remote control daemon
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/teamviewerd.service; enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-06-28 09:23:58 CEST; 1 months 6 days ago
    Main PID: 860 (teamviewerd)
    CGroup: /system.slice/teamviewerd.service
    └─860 /opt/teamviewer/tv_bin/teamviewerd -d

    TeamViewer ID: 665617970

  • ChristianCay
    ChristianCay Posts: 182 [Former Staff]

    Dear mehturt,

    Thank you for your message.

    Could you please update TeamViewer to the latest version 12.0.76279 from our website and try again?

    If the problem still occurs after the update, please feel free to contact us again.


    Best regards,


    Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • mehturt
    mehturt Posts: 7 ✭✭

    Hello Christian,

    I downloaded the most recent version but it looks the same.

  • mehturt
    mehturt Posts: 7 ✭✭

    In order to demonstrate the problem, I recorded my desktop where I start teamviewer, move the windows around and click menus.

  • ChristianCay
    ChristianCay Posts: 182 [Former Staff]

    Dear mehturt,

    Thank you for your video post.

    What Debian version are you using?

    I will like to check if I'm able to reproduce your issue with a default Debian installation with Window Maker.

    Any information that might help us simulate your environment will be great.

    We are looking forward to your comments.


    Best regards,


    Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks.
  • mehturt
    mehturt Posts: 7 ✭✭

    I'm on Debian 8.9 (amd64)

  • Tralalainan

    I had similar issue and had to install a dummy video driver:

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy

    create or edit file below

    sudo nano /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/xorg.conf

    and paste below in the conf file then save file and reboot

    Section "Monitor"

    Identifier "Monitor0"

    HorizSync 28.0-80.0

    VertRefresh 48.0-75.0

    Modeline "1920x1080_60.00" 172.80 1920 2040 2248 2576 1080 1081 1084 1118 -HSync +Vsync


    Section "Device"

    Identifier "Card0"

    Driver "dummy"

    VideoRam 256000


    Section "Screen"

    DefaultDepth 24

    Identifier "Screen0"

    Device "Card0"

    Monitor "Monitor0"

    SubSection "Display"

    Depth 24

    Modes "1920x1080_60.00"



    I hope it helps someone.