Distribute TeamViewer without opening the website

BlaserHelpdesk Posts: 3
edited March 2024 in Deployment & Integrations

Hi all,

I have the order to install TeamViewer via software distribution. Now I have the problem that after installing TeamViewer the following page opens: https://www.teamviewer.com/de/dokumente/?lng=de&version=15.20.6+&cid=263926770 Is there any way to suppress this. I install TeamViewer with the following command:

msiexec /i "\\%SourSRV%\source$\Teamviewer15\TeamViewer_Full.msi" /quiet /qn /norestart

Unfortunately the option "/quiet" has no effect. It is very irritating for users when a TeamViewer browser window suddenly opens out of nowhere.



  • Natascha
    Natascha Posts: 1,585 Moderator

    Hi @BlaserHelpdesk

    Thank you for your post and welcome to the community 😊

    Maybe @TV_Benjamin could help in this case and check if the command is correct? Would really appreciate your help here.

    Wish you a great day and let us know if there are any other questions.

    All the best,

    Natascha 🙋‍♀️

    German Community moderator 💙 Moderatorin der deutschsprachigen Community

  • TV_Benjamin
    TV_Benjamin Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠

    Hello @BlaserHelpdesk ,

    thanks for mentioning me @Natascha :)

    There is actually a way to get rid of this "popup".

    For this you have to do the following:

    First, navigate to the following path in your registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer\"

    Once there, please create a DWORD entry with value 1, which is named "IntroShown".

    Now you need to restart the device or the TeamViewer service to let the changes take place. After this, you can reopen TeamViewer and export the options via export function in the advanced settings. The resulting TVOPT can then be included in the rollout with the command SETTINGSFILE="yourpath\*.tvopt".

    Here is an example of the finished parameter:

    msiexec.exe /i "yourpath\TeamViewer_Full.msi" /qn SETTINGSFILE="yourpath\TeamViewer_Settings.tvopt" CUSTOMCONFIGID=xxxxxx APITOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ASSIGNMENTOPTIONS="--reassign --alias %ComputerName%"

    Please note that the /qn already contains /quiet. Therefore you can exclude /quiet from your command.

    With this, the Installation should automatically import the set key and TeamViewer will not open the page after the first start.

    Let us know if that worked for you :)

    Have a great day,


  • @TV_Benjamin

    Thank you for your message. However, I have the problem that the section: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer\] is not present in the .tvopt file. This means that the IntroShown entry is also not copied.I have now simply added the section [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer\] and written the entry "IntroShown"=dword:00000001 below it. However, this unfortunately did not work. Do you have a other way do solve this?

    Best regards

    Blaser Helpdesk

  • @TV_Benjamin

    I was able to fix the problem in the meantime. The REG key is under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer\DefaultSettings] and not [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\TeamViewer\] nevertheless many thanks without you I would not have come on it.

    Best regards

    Blaser Helpdesk

  • TV_Benjamin
    TV_Benjamin Posts: 48 Staff member 🤠

    Hello @BlaserHelpdesk ,

    thanks for the feedback and sorry for the late reply.

    I'm glad you found the solution by yourself :)

    Have a great day!

    Best regards,


  • Actual i have done the change from @TV_Benjamin but this is not solving the Issue. I deploy the Teamviewer over Intune and after the Restart is loads the Browser. That comes because the User defaultUser0 has the IntroShown set to 1 and it not changing to 0. The SID from defaultUser0 is mostly an different ID so i cant use the Static tvopt file.

    Could someone solve this ?