I recently started up my computer, and shortly after login, noticed the TeamViewer "active session" sidebar arrow -- the little "tab" on the lower right corner of the screen indicating that there is a remote user connected. I was concerned because I should be the only one with remote access to my computer. I expanded the tab and saw the normal session list interface, but there were no active session listed. I clicked the "X" in the corner to close it, and was prompted to choose between closing the session(s) and just closing the interface -- I selected to close the session.
I opened the log directory and first checked "connections_incoming.txt" -- no entries since last week. I looked at "TeamViewer15_Logfile.log", and there's a huge amount of debugging information. The only thing that concerned me there was a line that says"VoIP: Meeting session created: MeetingID = m000-000-00, ParticipantID = [{my TV ID},{another ID}], MeetingGUID = " (line ends after "MeetingGUID = "). The "another ID" appears in a lot of other places and might be specific to the PC in question.
This was during initial TV startup, I think. After that there's a ton of granular information about the VoIP service, requesting endpoints, establishing pipelines, whatever, and at the same time the rest of the TV components and services are getting set up, all in the span of maybe 20 seconds.
Eventually, I start seeing lines like
VoIP: System performance (last 10s): CPU load of system = 79%
VoIP: AudioControl: Current capturing endpoint: "Default Communication Device"
VoIP: AudioControl: Current rendering endpoint: "Default Communication Device"
VoIP: AudioControl: Previous capturing endpoint volumes: Histogram (#samples=60): Range = [0,1)+=0.1, FF = .........A
This repeats for a while until the system goes to sleep, then continues from when I wake it up until I notice the weird empty session list described above. I think that's around the time where the logs show a bunch of lines like "VoIP: Sender: Terminate" and other things that sound like a shutdown process.
This computer doesn't even have a microphone (desktop PC, nothing connected) so I'm pretty sure nobody was connected in and eavesdropping. I checked my TV account online and it only showed connections from my area ("Windows 10" / my city), and I've got 2FA enabled. I'm hoping this means it was a weird bug in TV and not a hacking attempt. Is there anything else I can do to be sure?
I'm using TV 15.21.8 and there don't appear to updates available, if that matters.