Personal and Corporate account interaction

User: "sswksph"
Updated by JoshP
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    Dodging around the problem like this is not okay. They're completely ignoring the problem and charging more for the business suite if you want to do remote on mobile. I'm not going to use Teamviewer privately anymore and recommend to my organization that we drop it. It's the only way to get through to people nowadays


    I'd like to ask a follow-up question.

    Say I have computer A, B, C1, C2.
    A is a commercial computer with teamviewer license.
    B, C1, and C2 are non-commercial computers at home without license and installed with "personal usage".
    Only B's teamviewer is logged in with a teamviewer account.

    In this situation, can I:
    (1) use B to control A, C1, and C2?
    (2) use C1 or C2 to control B? (This was the scenario asked in the original post and the answer was no in March 2018 but I'm not sure whether it's fixed by the production management team.)

    Explanation: B is my main personal computer, C1 is my phone, C2 could be a personal computer from any of my friend.

    Thank you,

    User: "AlanW1"
    [Former Staff]

    Hi, luconsta

    Thank you for posting in our community.

    Unfortunately you cannot use one device for a mixed environment.

    Commercial use is defined on a device basis because we can only track the usage based on devices. Otherwise it will be meaningless for us as TeamViewer account on the device can be easily switched from one to one. 

    Once a device is classified as commercial use, free version will be no longer available on it.

    Thanks for your understanding.



    I have a mixed environment on my PC:

    Commercial Version 9 - because of my company

    Whatever last version when helping my friends.

    Unfortunately TeamViewer disconnect me when using the personal environment because "I have to buy a licence". How can I use the same PC for this two environments?

    Kind regards,


    User: "Scotty"
    Staff member

    Hi sswksph,

    Thanks for posting,

    I am sorry, but the free version of TeamViewer cannot be used on a device that is used for commercial purposes. Connecting to your work laptop is acommercial purpose. So you can use your corporate account to connect reliably to your work computer (As this is commercial use and must be licenced), But this will still stop you from using the free version on your home laptop at some point.

    So although I understand that some of your usage is commercial and some is personal, The only way for us to create a system that splits commercial and personal use on one device would be to monitor the content of your connections which we will not do as it is a violation of privacy.

    I am sorry, and I know that is a hassle, but if we made it based on accounts, people who were cheating the system would just switch to a new free account when they expired.

    I am sorry I could not offer a solution for this, but this is the limitation of the free version.


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?

    I think I have a similar issue.  I use my corporate account on my work computers and my personal account on my home computers.  Occasionally, I need to connect to work from home but cannot - my home workstation's TeamViewer throws a message about not having a valid corporate license.  From what I can tell, this ONLY happens if I SIGN-OUT of my work computer. 

    Plan A - If I just LOCK the work computer with TeamViewer logged-in and running, I can connect with my personal account from my home computer (my personal account is WhiteListed on my work computer). 

    Plan B - If I forget to LOCK and accidentally SIGN-OUT, I use TeamViewer on my work cell (Android), login to the mobile app with my corporate account, and then connect to my work computer, login to the workstation and get TeamViewer running under my corpoprate account.  Then disconnect the mobile session and use my personal account on my home computer.  I really don't like having to do this but I haven't found any other fix.

    Plan C - **DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK** ... The first time this happened I was using TeamViewer 11.  I tried using my corporate account on my home workstation and while this allowed me to access my work computers,  it immediately caused problems with my accounts/workstations licenses.  I don't recall specifics but subsequently, TeamViewer no longer worked on one of my accounts/workstations and constantly gave a licensing error.  I had to have TeamViewer support resolve this and was told NOT to do that anymore as mixed-use like this was NOT supported.  The support person went as far as to recommend I consider bringing home one of my corporate devices dedicated for corporate TeamViewer to allow me to remotely connect to work.  When v12 was released, I was trying to decide whether to upgrade as this issue was almost a show-stopper for me.  I talked to a sales rep and was told that my scenario should have worked, but I haven't wanted to risk trying again.

    If you or anyone has a better solution, please share ... the cell phone workaround (Plan B) works ok, particularly since I have to have my cell phone nearby anyway so I can access my authenticator app (two-factor authentication), but the extra step of logging in via mobile just doesn't seem necessary.

    User: "Scotty"
    Staff member

    The "Both" button is there to remove any "Grey" zones.

    The free version does not cover any amount of Commercial use. So the "Both" button indicates you are using it commercially. This will start the Commercial trial the same as the "Commercial" button.

    This way if people are going to be using it both commercially and personally, it is clear that this is not covered by the free version.

    The free version of TeamViewer cannot be used on a device that is used for commercial purposes. So although I understand that some of your usage is commercial and some is personal, the only way for us to create a system that splits commercial and personal use on one device would be to monitor the content of your connections which we will not (and can not) do as the connections are end-to-end encrypted.

     It would also not make sense for us to only track the usage by accounts as they can be easily deleted or replaced, also the software can be used without an account.


    Senior Moderator
    Did my reply answer your question? Why not accept it as a solution to help others?

    I use licensed TV for work, but I also have free account I use for personal use, like access my pc at home or my moms pc at her house (don't want to mix them) .

    few days ago I got the message that this pc is bookmarked and have to get license to use remote access for my free account. I use same pc for work and personal. There is no one i can contact about this. How to I get my free account to be free account and my paid account paid account on my work pc? Thanks a bunch


    I have a Laptop that I use for business and private purposes. For business purposes I have a company-provided business-licensed TV account. For private use I have a private, free account.

    When I want to use the private account to access private devices, I receive the error message, that the free trial expired and I have to license the account.

    I am neither willing nor allowed to access private devices with the company-provided, licensed account.

    How can I use both accounts on the same device? Do I have to create a new user profile in the operating system?


    User: "Fightzgamer"
    Updated by JoshP


    I have a free account but i also have a work account. For some reason when i log out of my mork account and back in to my free account Teamviewer says it's in trial version.

    Is there some way for it to go back to free version? and why is this happening?

    Best Regards


    User: "JiHoonPark87"
    Updated by JeanK

    evaluation version expired Title message is NOT changed after purchasing license ....

    ( registered license my company PC )

    so I can not conntect my company PC in my HOME ...


    I have 7 PCs.

    PC1(Office Laptop / for Work)
    PC2(Home1 Desktop / for Home Entainment and Homework)
    PC3(Home1 Desktop / for Home Entainment)
    PC4(Home1 Desktop / for Home Entainment)
    PC5(Home1 Desktop / for Home Entainment)
    PC6(Home1 Desktop / for Home Entainment)
    PC7(Home2 Desktop / for Home Entainment and Homework)

    I have bought and activated Remote Access Licenses to PC1,PC2,PC7 for work and Homework.

    All Works or Homeworks are done from PC2/PC7 to PC1, or vice versa.

    All Home Entainments are done from PC2/PC7 to PC3/PC4/PC5/PC6, or vice versa.

    Recently, everytime I connect from PC2/PC7(Remote Access License) to PC3~PC6(Free License), teamviewer shows message "you or your partner commercial use suspected"

    Was it a License Violation for mixed purpose like this methods?

    Should I have bought additional Remote Access Licenses on remainder PC3,PC4,PC5,PC6 for the purpose of personal use?



    I use Teamviewer for both work and personal. I have two accounts, my corporate licensed account and my free personal account for home.

    How do I get the two to co-exist happily without triggering the dreaded "commercial use" lockdown.

    I'm not sure adding my Grandmas PC to my corporate account is the right thing to do, but then I can't help her from my work PC when she phones to say her knitting website isn't working. (once I log out of my licenced version, my free account locks up because it's fair that I do use my PC it for commercial use - detection is working correct)

    How do I get both address books and accounts to be active at the same time?  Or as a better question, how have you been able to solve this issue?

    Why is that it asking me for the trial version on the payment requirement? 

    I am using the freemium version, but then it modified to trial version expired? Why? 

    I can't use to access it.

    I want the same possibility.

    I have a paid account, but sometimes I want to access my private PC, without burn-marking my free account.

    I want the same possibility.

    I have a paid account, but sometimes I want to access my private PC, without burn-marking my free account.

    Hello, Since you are restricting users to use their private account in combination with a corporate account (Bad decision from my perspective so please complain to product management). How can I now sign in into an account that requires the corporate license but I do not want it to show the the computers and partners that I have on my list?

    User: "th1984"
    Updated by JoshP

    Hi guys,

    I have an annoying issue. I'm sometimes working from home and use my company commercial account to login and to connect to my company users computers.

    I also have a private/free account that I'm using to help family and friends (managed computers using unattended access).

    The problem is when I log out from commercial account and connect to my private one to connect to a managed computer, TeamViewer says it detects a commercial use and blocks me.

    I tried to use a portable version to have 2 separated consoles to have 2 separated connections at the same time but it's just not possible.

    The problem is the same when I'm connected at work (other way around). The only way I found is to use another software (**Third Party Product**) but honestly I'd prefer to keep using TeamViewer as all private computers I manage are already there.

    Many thanks for your help.

    User: "ingenting"
    Updated by JoshP

    Why is my personal account blocked saying I need a license to keep using it?

    The sad thing is, my company have a Teamviewer business lic for my team which I'm trying to, with all my power, end today due to this **bleep**.

    Never in my life have I mixed these two accounts nor have I've ever used the same two account to either act as client or remote host on (or from) the same installation. So my only guess here is that you've been tracking our activity based on IP and you've come to the conclusion that "this guy must be cheating".

    Personal is personal, business is business.

    I mean, what the problem here - I'm I guilty to helping friends, family and other ppl out remote, and based on activity on the same network I'm getting banned/locked out/restricted to use the software since my work desktop is making connections to customers via a TW business account on a different computer?

    I call **bleep**. Never spending money on this software on a personal level.

    Can't even make a ticket about it, since its my personal account that's having these issues and not my business account, so I'm forced to take my issues in an open forum too which **bleep** a bit too.

    I have a commercial license that I use for work. I also have a free login that I use for my own personal devices. I don't want them to mix. Am I no longer able to use my personal free account while I'm at work?

    Typically, I would log out of my commercial license and switch to my free person license when working with my own computers. Now the connection is timing out and disconnecting or giving me warnings that I need to get a Commercial license.

    Is there a way to make this work or do I have to put my personal machines into my Commercial, "for work use only," license.

    What a dumb response from TeamViewer. I certainly will never give you my money.

    You think that I shouldn't be able to remote into my personal servers or desktops when I'm on my work provided laptop or desktop?

    Or that I can no longer use the personal free version of Teamviewer on my own personal desktop because I also occasionally use it to remote into my desktop at work?

    I will use another provider then. Most of the techs I know support many family and friends. Many of us also use our own desktops because they are better and more powerful than any work provided machines.

    To me it's like saying, here is a work provided phone but you aren't allowed to talk to your wife on it. I manage 200 classrooms worth of technology but I can't yet control what software our organization uses. If I ever get a say, I won't be supporting TeamViewer and will urge others to do the same.

    My employer wouldn't care if I loaded my computers using my commercial account but on principle, I won't load TeamViewer on anything person any longer.

    the same here

    User: "LadynRed"
    Updated by LadynRed

    I have a free, personal use account and that is the ONLY account I have. No company/corporate account - ever.

    So, why is Teamviewer now saying I'm using it in a "commercial environment" and then times me out?? I'm on a Windows 10 home machine, and I've had a Free, Personal use TeamViewer account for YEARS. I ONLY use it to help out family members now and again - the precise description of what a "personal use" account is on this page -

    What the heck is going on? Why on Earth does the application now think I'm using it for "commercial" purposes?? I've changed NOTHING in settings, or my laptop, since the last time I used the application a month or so ago. What does it think it's "detecting" ??


    User: "RobLee"
    Updated by JoshP

    I am a Free license user with 4 unattended access on my computers. I usually remote into my managing media server at home, working on gaming stream stuff for my upcoming stream for the night sometimes from my work computer at work. I sign in with my personal account to do this. I have a corporate account to remote into work computers. I ran into this issue before, now when I try to remote into my computers, (my media server does not have a monitor, etc.) Teamviewer says I need a paid license to continue. I am not using it for business work. How do I resolve this? Because now, I cannot call or submit a ticket unless I am a paid user.


    I've used TeamViewer for non-commercial use for a lot of years, since it all started and I've enjoyed it since!

    However, I recently started working for a company who uses TeamViewer for commercial use and that's where the problems have started.

    I uninstalled my current TeamViewer install and installed it again and choose "Both" for what my use is, Commerical and non-commerical.I've got a private TeamViewer account which I'm using for controlling my other computers at home and helping family members and I also got a commercial user from my company which I'm using to log in to help customers of that company. This all worked for a week until now when I'm currently getting this message when I'm trying to remotely connected to my computer at home from a Samsung Galaxy S8+: "Blocked because commerical use suspected", and the currently inlogged user on that home computer is my private user.

    I kind of understand the message, if I would be logged in with my commerical license, but I'm only using that license a few days a week at most, and I'm logging out from my personal/private account when I'm using my commerical account to help customers, otherwise I'm always logged in with my private/personal TeamViewer account.

    Is it not possible to use it in this intended way, I can't really understand the option to choose "both" when installating TeamViewer if so. Or do I have to do something to get it working the way I've described?

    Best Regards

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