Disconnecting from remote computer closes running program


I have been trying to figure out an issue that seems very strange. I set up a remote computer that I was able to successfully access from my laptop. Connected perfectly fine, able to manage the device, no issues. Once I disconnect from the remote computer I notice that it closes a specific program that is running locally on the machine.

Of note, that program does use remote control in order to monitor devices on our grounds. Could there be some sort of clashing of connections between TeamViewer and the local program?

Another note, when I uninstalled TeamViewer from the device the program closed when TeamViewer completed uninstalling.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue?


  • Paul_intech
    Paul_intech Posts: 1

    Yes I have just found the same thing. Team Viewer 15.27.3, Windows 11 21H2. The app is fine when team viewer connected. but when I close the connection, my app gets 7 WM_CLOSE messages (I put debug code in to see them and also can see them with windows spy++. Other apps such as notepad, snipping tool, windows explorer stay open.