Anyone know why I'm getting an error "Connection not established-authentication cancelled" when I try to connect all of a sudden? I was a little careless when I was clicking, but not sure what I did.
Has anyone actually opened a support ticket regarding this issue?
I've been meaning to do so however to find the time has been a challenge. Will update when I do.
I see a lot of people, like myself, having this problem - but nobody anwering or resolving it. I've only been using Teamviewer as a paid service for a few months now, but seem to have no end to problems... Did I make a mistake for buying this service?
I'm having the same problem. Roughly 30% of the clients I try to access give that error while others on the same network / same Hyper-V host are ok.
I think this started after I applied the last TeamViewer update but I'm not sure. I tried removing / reinstalling TV but same issue.
Any updates would be appreciated. My version is 13.1.3629.
I saw this also - to me it was the first of time autentication cancelled with TV13. I took a copy of teamviewer13 logfiles, from both local and remote PC's. I had release "13.1.3629" on both local and remote PC (free license). I do not know why remote logs state I am using "13.1.1548" -> TV13 Help & about menu -> shows 13.1.3629.
Is there any support personnel to look at these files ? I can sent them via email, if that is ok...
I'm having this exact same problem all of a sudden, supporting my grandmother from across the country.
PC has been rebooted, it shows up in my connection list. Remote control with password and prompt for confirmation both say the Authentication was Canceled (not rejected). No prompt for confirmation is seen on the remote end.