Remove duplicates removes name...

wright_is Posts: 13 ✭✭

When we migrate devices in TeamViewer Manager Console, the last step is to "remove duplicates".

When we do this "some" (from 30 PCs so far, 3 have had this problem) of the devices are no longer displayed by name, it just shows the ID number. When I go into the properties of the device, the name is still there, it just won't be displayed in the name column, when looking at the group.

Is there a way to get it to display the name again?

Best Answer

  • Solutions4
    Solutions4 Posts: 17 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Note the name from the properties dialogue box (not all users are this lucky) . In the TeamViewer APP under devices select TeamViewer id for the device and select "three dots" in right hand column. Click Edit, Edit device information and update Alias. In summary, it's a bug.


  • Solutions4
    Solutions4 Posts: 17 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Note the name from the properties dialogue box (not all users are this lucky) . In the TeamViewer APP under devices select TeamViewer id for the device and select "three dots" in right hand column. Click Edit, Edit device information and update Alias. In summary, it's a bug.

  • wright_is
    wright_is Posts: 13 ✭✭

    Thanks Solutions4, I have been manually updating the aliases as they are removed, when the devices become managed, it is just a pain, as it is several hundred devices currently, as we are migrating to the cloud platform...